AND MAINTENANCE. In the event that a permanent employee is successful in a job posting and is reclassified to a new permanent or temporary position, he will receive pay as follows:
AND MAINTENANCE. CONTRACTOR, its officers, agents, employees and subcontractors shall, throughout the term 35 of this Agreement, prepare, maintain and manage records appropriate to the services provided and in 36 accordance with this Agreement and all applicable requirements, which include, but are not limited to:
AND MAINTENANCE. Tenant shall keep the Premises in good condition and repair, and free from accumulation of dirt and waste. Tenant at its own cost and expense shall repair any damage to the interior of the Premises, including, but not limited to windows, doors, glass, floor coverings, HVAC system, electrical equipment and plumbing and sprinkler systems, if any; and any damage to the exterior of the Premises (including parking area, roof and structural members) resulting from Tenant's use of the Premises under this Lease including any damage to the piles and common loading dock from the use of the hoists.
AND MAINTENANCE. 35 A. CONTRACTOR, its officers, agents, employees and subcontractors shall, throughout the term of 36 this AgreementContract, prepare, maintain and manage records appropriate to the services provided and 37 in accordance with this AgreementContract and all applicable requirements. 34 of 3542 X:\CONTRACTS - 2017 -\2017-2020\BH\CCS04 Peer Support and Wellness FY17-20 - LW.doc CCS04BHKK20
AND MAINTENANCE. University shall diligently prosecute and maintain the United States patents comprising University Patent Rights using counsel of its choice. University counsel shall take instructions only from University. University shall provide Licensee with copies of all relevant documentation so that Licensee may be informed and apprised of the continuing prosecution. Licensee agrees to keep this documentation confidential.
AND MAINTENANCE. The password fundamental to maintaining the Integrity of the State Board of Control's automated an individual's identity, establish and prevent unauthorized-system access. Proper password Is to maintaining the or those to retrieve information from computers will by words that are familiar to the computer operator. With this in mind, ail should adhere to the following when selecting or altering passwords: DO not use names or in the password, Use passwords that are at least five names of spouses, children, or long. family pets. Avoid using prominent people names as the Governor, President or Consider using words from foreign languages, or letters phrase a book, magazine,.or Dc not use numbers, numbers in the System Administrator the System and . .- if a dces not work. This . . if you believe a
AND MAINTENANCE. An eligible full-time caretaking and maintenance employee shall be entitled to two working days’ sick leave for each month of service with the Board and shall be entitled to accumulate of the unused portion of this sick leave credit allowance as at December each year, the total of such accumulation not to exceed two hundred and forty (240) days. Effective January an eligible caretaking and maintenance employee who is scheduled to work regularly fewer than hours per week shall be entitled to the proportion of two eight hour working days sick leave per month that their normal weekly hours of work bear to hours per week and taken to the nearest eighth of a day, and shall be credited with such sick leave for each month of service with the Board subsequent to the effective date of this article. Each employee shall be entitled to accumulate of the unused portion of sick leave credit allowance as at December each year but the total of such accumulation shall not exceed the proportion of eight hour working days that their normal weekly hours of work bear to hours per week.
AND MAINTENANCE. Except as otherwise provided in this Article 7, PHS agrees to take responsibility for, but to consult with, the Licensee in the preparation, filing, prosecution, and maintenance of any and all patent applications or patents included in the Licensed Patent Rights and shall furnish copies of relevant patent-related documents to Licensee.
AND MAINTENANCE. The Company shall, on or before the first day of December in each year, designate number of employees who will be permitted to take At the end of each day during the vacation sign-up, the Company will update a listing which specifies available vacation weeks.
AND MAINTENANCE. City shall maintain, operate and control the wastewater treatment facilities in a manner that will satisfy effluent and receiving water requirements of the State and Federal governments. City shall use reasonable diligence to provide regular and uninterrupted services to County, but shall not be liable for damages, breach of contract or otherwise to County for failure, suspension, diminution or other variations of service occasioned by or in consequence of any cause beyond the control of City.