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Number of animals Sample Clauses

Number of animalsThe objective is for a sufficient number of pregnant rats to be exposed to ensure that an adequate number of offspring are pro- duced for neurotoxicity evaluation. At least 20 litters are recommended at each dose level. This number assumes a coefficient of variation of 20 to 25 per- cent for most behavioral tests. If, based upon experience with historical control data or data for positive controls in a given laboratory, the coefficient of var- iation for a given task is higher than 20 to 25 percent, then calculation of ap- propriate sample sizes to detect a 20 percent change from control values with 80 percent power would need to be done. For most designs, calculations can be made according to Xxxxx and Xxxxxx (1957) under paragraph (e)(5) of this section, Neter and Xxxxxxxxx (1974) under paragraph (e)(10) of this section, Xxxxx and Xxxxx (1969) under paragraph (e)(11) of this section, or Xxxxxx (1972) under paragraph (e)(8) of this section.
Number of animals. T h e objec t ive i s fo r a s ufficie n t nu m be r of p r eg n a n t r a t s t o be exposed t o e n s ur e t h a t a n a deq u a t e nu m be r of offsp r i n g a r e p r o- d u ced fo r n e ur o t oxici t y ev a l u a t io n . A t le a s t 20 li tt e r s a r e r eco mm e n ded a t e a c h dose level. T h i s nu m be r a ss u m es a coefficie n t of v a r i a t io n of 20 t o 25 pe r - ce n t fo r m os t be h a vio r a l t es t s. If, b a sed u po n expe r ie n ce wi t h h i s t o r ic a l co n t r ol d a t a o r d a t a fo r posi t ive co n t r ols i n a give n l a bo r a t o ry , t h e coefficie n t of v a r - i a t io n fo r a give n t a s k i s h ig h e r t h a n 20 t o 25 pe r ce n t , t h e n c a lc u l a t io n of a p- p r op r i a t e s a m ple s izes t o de t ec t a 20 pe r ce n t c h a n ge f r o m co n t r ol v a l u es wi t h 80 pe r ce n t powe r wo u ld n eed t o be do n e. F o r m os t desig n s, c a lc u l a t io n s c a n be m a de a cco r di n g t o Dixo n a n d M a sse y (1957) un de r p a r a g r a p h ( e)(5) of t h i s sec t io n , Ne t e r a n d Wa sse r m a n (1974) un de r p a r a g r a p h ( e)(10) of t h i s sec t io n , S o k a l a n d R o h lf (1969) un de r p a r a g r a p h ( e)(11) of t h i s sec t io n , o r J e n se n (1972) un de r p a r a g r a p h ( e)(8) of t h i s sec t io n .
Number of animals. Generally, only one animal will be approved to be in residence in a single housing unit. An ESA should be crated when the student is not in the room. The size of crate/cage should be an appropriate size for the space available in the housing unit. IHCC Student Housing can assist with determining these dimensions. IHCC furniture cannot be removed from the resident’s room. The care of the ESA is the sole responsibility of the student. The student will • Provide appropriate restraint, control and supervision of the animal at all times. • Provide the animal with appropriate care, including food, water, shelter, health care and humane treatment. • Clean up and dispose of all animal waste (both indoors and outdoors) in a timely and effective manner. • Not allow odor, noise, damage, or other behavior of the animal that disturbs others or damages college grounds, facilities or property. • Confine the animal when leaving the room. • Not leave the animal alone for a time period in excess of six consecutive hours per 24 hours. Any exceptions to this must be approved through IHCC Student Housing. Failure to abide by the ESA policy may result in a written warning, fine, or the removal of the ESA from on-campus housing. Generally, an animal must be at least 9 months of age to live on campus to assure that the animal is reliably housebroken, not disruptive to other residents, and has all of the shots necessary to make it safe to be around humans and other animals (that may be in the residence).
Number of animalsThe research potentially involves minor short-term pain, discomfort, or distress which will be treated with appropriate anesthetics/analgesics. Includes terminal anesthetic surgery, minor survival surgery with anesthesia, and without significant postoperative pain (e.g., biopsy) and/or implantation of minor chronic catheters (e.g., femoral arterial and venous catheters, flow probes, etc.) and/or short-term physical restraint (<60 minutes) of awake animals and/or induction of minor behavioral stress.
Number of animals. [Section 4-4]. Up to four domestic animals are allowed, not to exceed two dogs or two cats, or two from any one species. Animals At Large. [Section 4-8]. No owner or keeper of a domestic animal shall allow the animal to escape from the confines of their property and run within the village. Animals such as chickens, geese and turkeys are only allowed in areas properly zoned.
Number of animals. Generally, only one animal will be approved to be in residence in a single housing unit. An ESA should be crated when the student is not in the room. The size of crate/cage should be an appropriate size for the space available in the housing unit. IHCC Student Housing can assist with determining these dimensions. IHCC furniture cannot be removed from the resident’s room. The care of the ESA is the sole responsibility of the student. The student will • Provide appropriate restraint, control and supervision of the animal at all times. • Provide the animal with appropriate care, including food, water, shelter, health care and humane treatment. • Clean up and dispose of all animal waste (both indoors and outdoors) in a timely and effective manner. • Not allow odor, noise, damage, or other behavior of the animal that disturbs others or damages college grounds, facilities or property. • Confine the animal when leaving the room. • Not leave the animal alone for a time period in excess of six consecutive hours per 24 hours. Any exceptions to this must be approved through IHCC Student Housing. • Students are responsible for any and all damages caused by their ESA or due to having an ESA in their dorm. Failure to abide by the ESA policy may result in a written warning, fine, or the removal of the ESA from on-campus housing. Generally, an animal must be at least 9 months of age to live on campus to assure that the animal is reliably housebroken, not disruptive to other residents, and has all of the shots necessary to make it safe to be around humans and other animals (that may be in the residence).
Number of animals. (If more than one type, please add additional types and numbers on the back of this page) Owner’s Name: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: Phone Number: Email: Date(s) of Use.

Related to Number of animals

  • Target Population TREATMENT FOR ADULT (TRA) Target Population

  • Service Animals Humber Residence acknowledges the rights of persons with disabilities to retain their service animal while living in Residence. In order to preserve the health and safety of all people and animals living or working in the Residence environment, the Resident will notify the Residence Office that they require a service animal and will provide documentation as outlined in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act confirming that the Resident requires the service animal. The Resident will also complete a Service Animal Agreement with the Residence Manager or designate, and agrees to adhere to the requirements within it.

  • Human Leukocyte Antigen Testing This plan covers human leukocyte antigen testing for A, B, and DR antigens once per member per lifetime to establish a member’s bone marrow transplantation donor suitability in accordance with R.I. General Law §27-20-36. The testing must be performed in a facility that is: • accredited by the American Association of Blood Banks or its successors; and • licensed under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act as it may be amended from time to time. At the time of testing, the person being tested must complete and sign an informed consent form that also authorizes the results of the test to be used for participation in the National Marrow Donor program.

  • Animals The Hirer shall ensure that no animals (including birds) except guide dogs are brought into the premises, other than for a special event agreed to by the Village Hall. No animals whatsoever are to enter the kitchen at any time.

  • RE-WEIGHING PRODUCT Deliveries are subject to re- weighing at the point of destination by the Authorized User. If shrinkage occurs which exceeds that normally allowable in the trade, the Authorized User shall have the option to require delivery of the difference in quantity or to reduce the payment accordingly. Such option shall be exercised in writing by the Authorized User.

  • Population The Population shall be defined as all Paid Claims during the 12-month period covered by the Claims Review.

  • Preceptor A per diem Registered Nurse 2 may serve as a preceptor after successfully completing a preceptor workshop or equivalent documented training and agreeing to and being appointed to be specifically responsible for planning, organizing, and evaluating the new skill development of one or more RNs as appropriate enrolled in a defined orientation program, the parameters of which have been set forth in writing by the Employer. This includes teaching, clinical supervision, role modeling, feedback, evaluation (verbal and written) and follow up of the new or transferring employee. The per diem RN 2 preceptor is eligible to receive preceptor premium pay when actually engaged in preceptor role responsibilities with/on behalf of the orienting RN. A per diem RN 2 substituting for the original preceptor during a period of absence and who has been designated to carry out the preceptor's complete responsibility (including following and/or adjusting the plan to meet learning needs and providing oral and written evaluation input) will receive preceptor pay. A preceptor may be assigned to a student when it is determined by the Employer that the employee has completed the required preceptor training or has agreed to and been appointed a preceptor. The employee is specifically responsible for planning, organizing, and evaluating the new skill development of the student as appropriately enrolled in a defined program, the parameters of which have been set forth in writing by the Employer. This includes teaching, clinical supervision, role modeling, feedback, evaluation (verbal and written) and follow up of the student.

  • Evaluation Criteria 5.2.1. The responses will be evaluated based on the following: (edit evaluation criteria below as appropriate for your project)

  • Study Population Infants who underwent creation of an enterostomy receiving postoperative care and awaiting enterostomy closure: to be assessed for eligibility: n = 201 to be assigned to the study: n = 106 to be analysed: n = 106 Duration of intervention per patient of the intervention group: minimum 21 days/3 weeksuntil patient's weight >2000g, averaged 6 weeks between enterostomy creation and enterostomy closure Follow-up per patient: 3 months, 6 months and 12 months following enterostomy closure (12- month follow-up only applicable for patients that are recruited early enough to complete this follow-up within the 48 months of overall study duration).

  • Hepatitis B Vaccine Where the Hospital identifies high risk areas where employees are exposed to Hepatitis B, the Hospital will provide, at no cost to the employees, a Hepatitis B vaccine.