ballistic expert definition

ballistic expert means a person knowledgeable in the science of missiles and firearms who is recognised or certified by the Commissioner by notice published in the Gazette.

Related to ballistic expert

  • Independent Expert means a Person or entity with no material current or prior business or personal relationship with the Advisor or the Directors and who is engaged to a substantial extent in the business of rendering opinions regarding the value of assets of the type held by the Company.

  • financial expert means an individual, company or firm who is authorised to give investment advice under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000;

  • Independent Financial Expert means a U.S. investment banking firm of national standing in the United States, (i) which does not, and whose directors, officers and employees or affiliates do not have a direct or indirect material financial interest for its proprietary account in the Company or any of its affiliates and (ii) which, in the judgment of the board of directors of the Company, is otherwise independent with respect to the Company and its affiliates and qualified to perform the task for which it is to be engaged.

  • Qualified expert means an individual having the knowledge and training to measure ionizing radiation, to evaluate safety techniques, and to advise regarding radiation protection needs, for example, individuals certified in the appropriate field by the American Board of Radiology or the American Board of Health Physics, or those having equivalent qualifications. With reference to the calibration of radiation therapy equipment, an individual having, in addition to the above qualifications, training and experience in the clinical applications of radiation physics to radiation therapy, for example, individuals certified in Therapeutic Radiological Physics or X-Ray and Radium Physics by the American Board of Radiology, or those having equivalent qualifications.

  • Work experience means a work activity that provides a participant with an

  • Accounting Referee has the meaning set forth in Section 6.01(c).

  • Clinical experience means providing direct services to individuals with mental illness or the provision of direct geriatric services or special education services. Experience may include supervised internships, practicums, and field experience.

  • Expert is defined in Section 7.9 of this Agreement.

  • Non-Key Expert(s means an individual professional provided by the Consultant or its Sub-consultant to perform the Services or any part thereof under the Contract.

  • Professional experience means the actual and lawful pursuit of the profession concerned;

  • Key Expert(s means an individual professional whose skills, qualifications, knowledge and experience are critical to the performance of the Services under the Contract and whose Curricula Vitae (CV) was taken into account in the technical evaluation of the Consultant’s proposal.

  • Reconciliation Dispute has the meaning set forth in Section 7.9 of this Agreement.

  • Corrosion expert means a person who, by reason of thorough knowledge of the physical sciences and the principles of engineering and mathematics acquired by a professional education and related practical experience, is qualified to engage in the practice of corrosion control on buried or submerged metal piping systems and metal tanks. Such a person must be accredited or certified as being qualified by the National Association of Corrosion Engineers or be a registered professional engineer who has certification or licensing that includes education and experience in corrosion control of buried or submerged metal piping systems and metal tanks.

  • Billing Dispute means the dispute of an invoice prepared by an Operator to the Other Operator which is made in good faith.

  • Audit Committee Financial Expert means a person who has the following attributes:

  • Teaching Experience means full-time employment as a teacher in a public school, private school licensed or accredited by the State Board of Education, or institution of higher education,

  • Subject Matter Expert means a person who has working or expert knowledge about a particular topic or field.

  • Independent Evaluator A person empowered, pursuant to Section 23.5 (Failure to Reach Agreement) and Section 23.10 (Dispute) of this Agreement, to resolve disputes due to failure of the Parties to agree on a Performance Standards Revision Document.

  • Appraiser panel means a network, list or roster of licensed or certified ap- praisers approved by an AMC to per- form appraisals as independent con- tractors for the AMC. Appraisers on an AMC’s ‘‘appraiser panel’’ under this part include both appraisers accepted by the AMC for consideration for fu- ture appraisal assignments in covered transactions or for secondary mortgage market participants in connection with covered transactions and appraisers en- gaged by the AMC to perform one or more appraisals in covered trans- actions or for secondary mortgage mar- ket participants in connection with covered transactions. An appraiser is an independent contractor for purposes of this subpart if the appraiser is treat- ed as an independent contractor by the AMC for purposes of Federal income taxation.

  • Billing Dispute Notice means a formal, written notice submitted to HUGE by the Customer in terms of this Procedure.

  • Arbitration Panel shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3 hereof.

  • Independent Accountant has the meaning set forth in Section 2.04(c)(iii).

  • Valuer means a licensed valuer agreed by the local government and the owner, or, where the local government and the owner are unable to reach agreement, by a valuer appointed by the President of the Western Australian Division of the Australian Property Institute.

  • Neutral Accountant means a national independent accounting firm selected by Buyer and reasonably acceptable to Sellers.

  • Valuation Firm has the meaning set forth in Section 1.6(c)(ii).

  • Independent Accounting Firm has the meaning set forth in Section 2.05(c).