Examples of Bank Safeguard Policies in a sentence
There are key 10 Environmental and Social World Bank Safeguard Policies which are intended to ensure that potentially adverse environmental and social consequences of projects financed by Bank are identified, minimized and mitigated.
Later, at the end of the section, the World Bank Safeguard Policies are presented.
The section also identifies relevant Asian Development Bank Safeguard Policies that will apply.
It ensures that the applicable GoE rules and regulations as well as the Bank Safeguard Policies and Procedures are enforced.
World Bank Safeguard Policies As far as the World Bank provides core financing for a project implementation, the safeguard policies of the World Bank apply.
It is also in line with the World Bank Safeguard Policies and specifically OP4.01 (Environmental Assessment).
The screening will take place at the feasibility stage and will among other outcomes, determine applicability of both World Bank Safeguard Policies and statutes following which TORs for follow-up ESMP studies will be developed.
In order to ensure that Component 3 emergency subproject activities are consistent with the World Bank Safeguard Policies as outlined in this Environmental Assessment / Environmental Management Framework document, the activities identified for financing under Component 3 will be subject to an expedited review by safeguards specialists to determine if they are eligible under the safeguard policies and compliance procedures used by the PCU for all activities financed under the DVRP.
This study has identified that Components 1 and 2 under Malawi Agriculture Sector Wide Approach Project II have triggered 5 World Bank Safeguard Policies, and these are: Operational Policy 4.01 (Environmental Assessment), Operational Policy 4.04 (Natural Habitats), Operational Policy 4:09 (Pest Management), Operational Policy 4.11 (Physical and Cultural Resources) and OP4.12 (Involuntary Resettlement).
World Bank Safeguard Policies have a three-part format: Operational Policies (OP) - statement of policy objectives and operational principles including the roles and obligations of the Borrower and the Bank, Bank Procedures (BP) - mandatory procedures to be followed by the Borrower and the Bank, and Good Practice (GP) - non-mandatory advisory material.