Examples of Bank Tariff in a sentence
The Customer shall pay, without set-off, deduction or counterclaim, all commission, fees, charges and expenses in respect of each Account and Service at such rates and at such times as notified by the Bank to the Customer, including where applicable as provided in any Bank Tariff.
The type and amount of fees for the services it provides to clients are determined by the current Bank Tariff, which is an integral part of the Framework Contract concluded with the Client.For the funds on the current account the Bank shall not accrue and pay any interest, unless otherwise agreed.
All fees/charges as published in the Bank Tariff are subject to change without notice.
Details of our standard rate of interest and our conditional bonus rate can be found in our Bank Tariff.
The World Bank, Tariff rate, applied, weighted mean, primary products (%), <http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/TM.TAX.TCOM.WM.AR.ZS/countries/1W-CL?display=graph>.
Hamilton’s Economic Plan: Credit, Excise Tax, Assumption, National Bank, Tariff, Manufacturing 36.
The type and amount of fees for the services it provides to clients are determined by the current Bank Tariff, which is an integral part of the Framework Contract concluded with the Client.The amount of costs of third parties shall be established and amended by relevant decisions on fees of competent authorities and organizations whose services are used by the Bank Clients in relation to financial services.The fees are determined as fixed in a certain amount or percentage.
In consideration with the services provided for storage of securities on behalf of clients, as well as the other services that the Bank performs, the Client is obliged to pay to the Bank a commission or other fee determined by the Bank Tariff.
Please refer to HSBC Private Bank Tariff Brochure for more information about which charges are subject to VAT.
The Bank Tariff Guide for HSBC Retail Banking and Wealth Management Customers, published in November 2011, states that the intention of the guide is to give customers a clear picture of the fees and charges for the most commonly used services.