Examples of Base specification in a sentence
Columns (1) - (3) present the results for the Base specification for the low, medium and high usage bundles respectively.
Similarly, columns (4)-(6) present the results when allowing for the AR(1) error term for the low, medium and high usage bundles respectively.As shown in the table, the Base specification indicates a significant price drop after the merger.
Base specification (OCP Accelerator Infrastructure Sub-Project Specification)2.
The Offeror will provide on CORAL Front End Environment (FEE) and System Management Nodes (SMN) a standard multiuser Linux Standards Base specification V4.1 or then current (http://www.linux- foundation.org/collaborate/workgroups/lsb ) compliant interactive base operating system (BOS).
Base specification (OCP Accelerator Infrastructure Project Specification)2.
Given this new specification of flow utility, other objects such as V and 6smt can be defined in essentially the same way as in the Base specification but using the modified flow utilityfi8 .
The notable difference from the Base specification is that both standard deviation parameters for the random coefficient distributions, a0 and a2, are larger in the IC specification.
The Offeror will provide on CORAL Front End Environment (FEE) and System Management Nodes (SMN) a standard multiuser Linux Standards Base specification V4.1 or then current (http://www.linux-foundation.org/collaborate/workgroups/lsb ) compliant interactive base operating system (BOS).
In the Base specification, I use the characteristics from the lowest numbered plan only, following previous literature.
The changes in this ECR are shown in the context of the 2.0 Base specification, which is essentially the 1.1 Base specification with 1.1-based ECNs and errata incorporated.