Examples of BBC Agreement in a sentence
Equity Agreement The current or any previous Equity /BBC Agreement or any subsequent replacement or variation thereof.
The approach to how the BBC should fulfil these requirements is set out in Clause 5 of the BBC Agreement and further expanded in the BBC Trust's Purpose Remits.
The evidence you are to consider is only that provided through the official court interpreters.
Only Ofcom has the statutory powers to enforce for a service of this type, but the elements of the service within the scope of the BBC’s obligation under the BBC Agreement could be provided by the BBC itself and other parties.
Any such project would be funded and governed by the arrangements agreed in clause 64C of the BBC Agreement.
The BBC Agreement between the BBC and the Government provides for licence fee funds to go to the BBC sets out the responsibilities of the BBC in return.
The BBC Race Equality Scheme Action Plan (see section 8) in respect of its public functions consists of three main sections – these are television licensing functions, certain functions of the BBC Trust, and certain functions of the BBC under the BBC Agreement.
Looking at the current BBC Agreement requires the Corporation to have public purposes which incorporate the following objectives.
Amending the BBC Agreement to set out an agreed maximum percentage of the Television Licence fee income that could be set aside as a contestable element would offer no protection as it could simply be changed again.
If a subsidiary has access to confidential commercial information that is not available to the market, the BBC must justify why the arrangement exists, and why the information is not available to the wider 133 BBC Agreement, Section 31 (2)134 Ofcom, July 2017, The BBC’s commercial and trading activities, Requirements and guidance135 Ofcom, July 2018, The BBC’s commercial and trading activities, Requirements and guidance: A consultation on proposed modifications to Ofcom’s requirements and guidance, pg.