Examples of BC Registrar in a sentence
On October 1, 2015, Longacre filed an application for continuance with the B.C. Registrar of Companies which was duly endorsed and authorized.
Refer to the Community Services Department application fee schedule or staff for more information.Proof of ownership of the property (Must accompany all applications) A state of title certificate no more than 90 days old (available from the BC Registrar of Land Titles) is required.Existing covenants, right of ways, easements and previously issued development permits registered on the title.
Note that there is a requirement to keep records of all youth activities that are supported by the Gaming Grant.Society ActThe Treasurer is responsible for ensuring that the year-end financial statement is filed with the BC Registrar to meet annual deadline.
The capitalization of 100,000,000 common shares with no par value remains the same after the reverse stock split; subsequent to December 31, 2009, the Company changed its authorized capital to unlimited*.All previous references to shares of common stock and weighted average common shares outstanding have been restated to give affect to the 1:10 reverse stock split unless otherwise stated.**Notice of Alteration electronically filed with the BC Registrar of Companies on April 22, 2010 at 9:02 am PDT.
There is an initiative at the IT-division of the Danish NRA where they look at establishing an information modelling system based on ULM and short descriptions.
A notice sent by email is deemed to have been given on the same day on which the notice is sent, and in proving that no-tice has been given it is sufficient to prove the notice was properly addressed to the member’s valid email address.”In accordance with the BC Society Act, under which the Bowen Island Conservancy is incorporated, the motion constitutes a ‘special resolution’ (Society Act Part 12, paragraph 62), which must be approved by the BC Registrar of Companies.The motion was carried unanimously.
The Society is also required to file an annual report with the BC Registrar of Companies and Societies within 30 days after an AGM.
The reason for the delay in inputting the data for the scheduled maintenance plans into an asset management program is that it takes time to set up the program as well as to input the data into a computer system.
Name of applicant (if non-profit, as filed with BC Registrar of Societies)Click here to enter text.
Fleury, Re (2005), 16 C.B.R. (5th) 38 (B.C. Registrar): CRA opposes the 66 year old bankrupt's discharge where he took $1.8 million from the sale of his company's sole asset and sent the money to Mexico without paying the $900,000 tax debt thereby generated.He married his Mexican wife four years before, but only obtained permanent status there in the year of the sale.