BEO definition
Examples of BEO in a sentence
The Statement may be circulated outside the Agency by the BEO with a request for written comments within 30 days and approved by the BEO subsequently.
No activity identified under this Positive Determination can proceed until Scoping as described in §216.3(a)(4) and an EA as described in §216.6 are completed and approved by USAID (Note that the completed Scoping Statement is normally submitted by the MEO to the BEO when the project originates in a Mission.
Approval of the Scoping Statement must be provided by the BEO before the EA can be initiated.)[*]If an EA already exists, and the contractor/recipient will not be required to prepare the EA, but will be required to comply with the terms of an existing EA.
The Trusts issued Capital Securities (“Trust Preferred Securities”) and invested the proceeds in a like amount of Junior Subordinated Debentures (“Debentures”) of BEO Bancorp.
In case of conflict between host country and USAID regulations, the latter shall govern .1c) No activity funded under this [contract/grant/CA] will be implemented unless an environmental threshold determination, as defined by 22 CFR 216, has been reached for that activity, as documented in a Request for Categorical Exclusion (RCE), Initial Environmental Examination (IEE), or Environmental Assessment (EA) duly signed by the Bureau Environmental Officer (BEO).