Examples of Bill credit in a sentence
As a result of amendments contained in this Bill, credit reporting bodies who receive mandatory credit information will be regulated by ASIC for the purposes of the mandatory regime.
Bill credit banking/excess bill credits Only allowing a subscriber’s excess net bill credits to be carried over for 12 months and then to be paid at the EDC’s avoided cost of wholesale power does not take into account the churn due to subscribers moving or canceling their subscription.
The full description is given in Ref 8.The proposed MSP functions can be simulated in TAAM and their implementation, while not exactly trivial, appears to be technically feasible.Quote for the Requirements Specification & Test Case developmentThe estimated effort for the MSP Requirements Specification and Test Case Development is as follows: VP Air Traffic Systems4 days6000 €TAAM Project Manager4 days4800 €Softw.Eng.
Bill credit offers to qualifying customers must be redeemed prior to the expiration date specified in the offer.
Bill credit rates for large solar projects would be determined by competitive auctions, and those for small projects would be fixed, based on small-business electricity rates.