Examples of Biomass Waste in a sentence
President Super Green Fuels, a company engaged in developing Alternative Energy, Biodiesel, Biomass Waste to energy conversions using Anarobic Digester Equipment to produce Ecologically responsible Energy.Educational Background: US Air Force Technical Training, Leadership Training, Realtors School.Prior Governmental Experience: United States Military.In my opinion, Credentials alone do not solve issues.
This Protocol has since been superseded by the Quantification Protocol for Energy Generation from the Combustion of Biomass Waste, version 2.0, April 2014.
Biomass Waste for Energy Project Fossil fuel fired engines, at the site where the biomass waste is generated, that would not have been used had the biomass waste been disposed of through open burning or left to decay.
Out of the total installed capacity, Thermal Power plants constitute 66%, Hydroelectric about 19% and the rest contributed by a combination of Wind, Small Hydro, Biomass, Waste to Electricity and Nuclear.
This FOA Topic Area covers (A) High Temperature Electrolyzer Manufacturing R&D and (B) Innovative Hydrogen Production from Biomass Waste Streams.
Biomass Waste for Energy Project Fossil fuel fired engines, at the site where the biomass waste is generated, that would not have been used had the biomass been disposed of through open burning or left to decay.
The verification was conducted in accordance with the Quantification Protocol for Energy Generation from the Combustion of Biomass Waste (Version 2.0, April 2014).
If the project proponent uses this protocol in combination CAPCOA`s Biomass Waste for Energy Project Reporting Protocol the validator and verifier must insure that the application of these protocols does not create a situation where the GHG sequestration benefits are counted twice.
The quantification protocol used is the Quantification Protocol for Energy Generation from the Combustion of Biomass Waste, Version 2.2 (Alberta Climate Change Office, June 2018) published by Alberta Climate Change Office (ACCO) ('the Protocol').ACCO released a memorandum on April 6, 2018 specifying protocols that have been updated and requirements for currently registered offset projects to update to the new protocols no later than January 1, 2019.
AB 2878 (Aguiar-Curry, 2022) would have established the Forest Biomass Waste Utilization Program to develop an implementation plan to meet the goals and recommendations of the Biomass Waste Utilization Plan and to develop a workforce training program to complement the workforce needs associated with implementation of this program.