Examples of Bioverativ Group in a sentence
None of Bioverativ, any other member of the Bioverativ Group, or any Third Party shall have any right or claim to require the consummation of the Distribution, which shall be effected at the sole discretion of the Board.
All cash and cash equivalents held by any member of the Bioverativ Group as of the Distribution shall be a Bioverativ Asset and all cash and cash equivalents held by any member of the Biogen Group as of the Distribution shall be a Biogen Retained Asset.
Alaska Statute 14.14.060 states a borough can establish a centralized treasury and is responsible for major rehabilitation, all construction and major repair of school buildings.
Bioverativ shall cause each member of the Bioverativ Group without further consideration to promptly pay and remit, or cause to be paid or remitted, to Biogen or to another member of the Biogen Group specified by Biogen, all money, rights and other consideration received by Bioverativ or any member of the Bioverativ Group in respect of such performance (unless any such consideration is a Bioverativ Asset).
Each member of the Biogen Group shall execute and deliver to Bioverativ (or such member of the Bioverativ Group as Bioverativ shall designate) any power of attorney or other similar document requested by Bioverativ (or such designee) in connection with any Tax Contest (as to which Bioverativ is the Controlling Party) described in this Section 10.
In furtherance thereof, in the event of any dispute or disagreement (a “Dispute”) between any member of the Biogen Group and any member of the Bioverativ Group as to the interpretation of any provision of this Agreement or the performance of obligations hereunder, the Tax departments of the Companies shall negotiate in good faith to resolve the Dispute.
Prior to the Distribution Date, inconnection with the intended capitalization of the Bioverativ Group, Biogen shall cause to be contributed to Bioverativ an amount in cash and cash equivalents, as Biogen may determine in its sole discretion.
Each member of the Bioverativ Group shall execute and deliver to Biogen (or such member of the Biogen Group as Biogen shall designate) any power of attorney or other similar document reasonably requested by Biogen (or such designee) in connection with any Tax Contest (as to which Biogen is the Controlling Party) described in this Section 10.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to limit Bioverativ, any member of the Bioverativ Group, or their respective Affiliates from commencing any Actions against any Biogen officer, director, agent or employee, or their respective heirs, executors,administrators, successors and assigns with regard to matters arising from, or relating to criminal acts by any such officers, directors, agents or employees.
Bioverativ shall prepare and file, or shall cause to be prepared and filed, all Tax Returns required to be filed by or with respect to members of the Bioverativ Group other than those Tax Returns which Biogen is required to prepare and file under Section 3.01.