BOH Appeal definition
Examples of BOH Appeal in a sentence
If you want to get Continuing Services during the BOH Appeal process, you must file your BOH Appeal within 10 calendar days from the date of our letter to you that explained our decision on your Appeal.
Covered Services that were previously authorized by the Contractor and are the subject of an internal Appeal or Board of Hearings (BOH) Appeal, if applicable, involving a decision by the Contractor to terminate, suspend, or reduce the previous authorization and which are provided by the Contractor pending the resolution of the internal Appeal or BOH Appeal, if applicable.
In any event, we will approve the services no later than 72 hours from the date we receive BOH notice that it reversed our decision.• If you receive “Continuing Services” while the BOH Appeal was happening, we will pay for those services.
Please note: if you file between 21 and 120 calendar days from the date of our Internal Appeal decision, the BOH will process your External Appeal within their standard timeframe.The letter we send you telling you our Internal Appeal decision will include the form (and other information) you will need to file your request for an External Appeal with the BOH if you choose to file one.After your BOH Appeal is filed, you will receive a free copy of your case file before the hearing.
MCO Covered Services that were previously authorized by the Contractor and are the subject of an Internal Appeal or BOH Appeal, if applicable, involving a decision by the Contractor to terminate, suspend, or reduce the previous authorization and which are provided by the Contractor pending the resolution of the Internal Appeal or BOH Appeal, if applicable.
ACO Covered Services that were previously authorized by the Contractor and are the subject of an Internal Appeal or BOH Appeal, if applicable, involving a decision by the Contractor to terminate, suspend, or reduce the previous authorization and which are provided by the Contractor pending the resolution of the Internal Appeal or BOH Appeal, if applicable.
Appeal Representative – any individual that the Contractor can document has been authorized by the Enrollee in writing to act on the Enrollee’s behalf with respect to all aspects of a Grievance, Internal Appeal, or BOH Appeal.
If your BOH Appeal involves a decision by us or by Beacon to change a service that we authorized in the past, including a decision to reduce, suspend, or end a service, you can choose to continue getting the requested services during the BOH Appeal process.
Whenever an Enrollee submits a written request for a BOH Appeal within ten calendar days of the date of mailing of the Contractor’s internal Appeal decision, the Contractor is responsible for the continued authorization or provision of any ongoing service in dispute during the pendency of a BOH Appeal.
If your BOH Appeal involves a decision by us or by Beacon to change a service that weauthorized in the past, including a decision to reduce, suspend, or end a service, you can choose to continue getting the requested services during the BOH Appeal process.