Examples of BOI Act in a sentence
Incentives include mostly tax holidays, concessionary income tax rates, and import duty exemptions, granted under the BOI Act or the Inland Revenue Act (Chapter III and Tables AIII.6 and AIII.7).
The authorities indicate that amendments to the BOI Act, aimed at harmonizing and rationalizing the investment incentives regime, are currently being considered.
Investments in export-oriented services industries benefit from tax incentives under the BOI Act, subject to minimum investment levels and performance requirements.101 Export-oriented services industries with an investment of at least US$500,000, and exporting at least 70% of their output receive a five-year tax holiday and a concessionary income tax rate of 10% for two years following the tax holiday, and 15% thereafter (Table AIII.6).
Investments under the BOI Act are mostly targeted at non-traditional export industries and contingent upon export performance in some sectors, including electronics, ceramics, rubber, and automobile products.
BOI incentives under Section 17 of the BOI Act - special incentives outside identified laws of the country, available to enterprises approved by the BOI.
Firms that do not qualify for concessions under Section 17 of the BOI Act may seek incentives available under the normal laws of the country.
As a second tranche release action, the FMRP required the amendment of the BOI Act to ensure that all exemptions and other tax holidays were consistent with the tax code.
The two main investment incentive regimes are under the Board of Investment (BOI) Act, and under the Inland Revenue Act.
The remittance of management fees, royalties and licensing fees is also permitted for companies with majority foreign investment approved under Section 17 of the BOI Act.
Any procedural irregularity or lapse in the processes of the SIFC shall not have the power to affect, vitiate, set-aside, annul, or rescind any transaction, arrangement, or agreement and the validity of these commercial actions shall remain intact despite procedural lapses.Overriding effectProvisions of the SIFC shall take precedence over any contrary provisions in other laws or legal instruments, regardless of whether those laws were enacted before or after the commencement of the BOI Act.