Examples of Bond Rating in a sentence
Bond rating of entity that owns the vessels in question (in the case of joint ventures, include the bond rating of the joint venture entity and the bond ratings of all partners; in the case of corporations, include the bond rat- ings of any parent or subsidiary cor- porations).
Rating Agency fees for monitoring and maintaining the Bond rating.
If the Bond rating is below an “A” category or the equivalent, the Application will be evaluated pursuant to section 5065.
If the Bonds are to be fixed rate Bonds, the Bond rating shall be no less than an “A” category or the equivalent as rated by a Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organization.
During the year under review Moody’s announced on 1 August 2013 that it was placing the Unguaranteed Public Sector Covered Bond rating of Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank Inter- national AG on “review” direction “uncertain”.