Examples of Borro er in a sentence
When the farm is to be oper- ated by relatives, the hazards and dis- advantages to the borrower and the Government which are inherent in un- written contracts will be discussed, and every effort will be made to induce the borrower to enter into formal contrac- tual arrangements whenever possible to do so.(c) Borro er does not retain o nership of the security.
A determination fee may also in- clude, but is not limited to, a fee for life-of-loan monitoring.(2) Borro er fee.
The State Director will request OGC to prepare a satisfactory form of power of attorney which may be duplicated in the State Office and furnished to County Super- visors with a State supplement con- cerning its use.(b) Borro er retains o nership of thesecurity.
When the farm is to be oper- ated by relatives, the hazards and dis- advantages to the borrower and the Government which are inherent in un- written contracts will be discussed, and every effort will be made to induce the § 1950.105borrower to enter into formal contrac- tual arrangements whenever possible to do so.(c) Borro er does not retain o nership of the security.
The State Director will request OGC to prepare a satisfactory form of power of attorney which may be duplicated in the State Office and furnished to County Super- visors with a State supplement con- cerning its use.(b) Borro er retains o nership of the security.