Borrow site definition
Examples of Borrow site in a sentence
This property, the Sohal Borrow site, was disposed of February 2015.
At the Third River Borrow site (21IC176), some differences might exist in the distribution of the horizontally corded and net-impressed ceramics, with the horizontally corded perhaps being somewhat earlier than the net-impressed, and with Laurel occurring contemporaneously with both and also at the interface between the two Brainerd varieties (Mulholland et al.
Two dates from Mikinako-Sag (21BL71) also seem anomalously late.For the Third River Borrow site (21IC176), both wood charcoal and residue dates are available, and the wood charcoal dates are significantly later than the residue dates.
The analysis of (16) proposed by BBE is that long vowels are required to satisfy WDMIN, which outranks a constraint against adjacent vowels of identical sonority (cf.
Brainerd ware was also associated with Laurel based on vertical distribution at the Third River Borrow site (21IC176), though it is unclear whether the two forms were contemporary or just lacked stratigraphic separation (Mulholland et al.
Switching State Space Movement Model (SSMs) locations for loggerhead (panel A) and Kemp’s ridley (panel B) turtles sampled as a part of relocation trawling within the Caminada Borrow site, May–June 2016Between 21–28 May 2016, researchers joined ongoing relocation trawling efforts in the Santa Rosa Island Authority project off Pensacola, Florida for a total of 8 field days.
Exploitation of borrow sites situated in demarcated zones and in the zone that is divided into lots (Borrow site No. 32 at PK 175+850 is in a subdivided zone) will be subject to the contractor complying with guidelines defined in the resettlement plan.
Within the 53.5 acre Borrow site, 5.75 acres are located as mitigation requirements for Department’s Agreement No. 1600-2007-0210-R6, Lake Elsinore Boat Ramp.
The following definitions apply to this Specification: Borrow site An area (either within or outside the Site), other than cuttings and specifiedexcavations, from which material may be excavated for placing in embankments.
Clay Borrow site crop lease bids for review.Outagamie County recycling facility tour to take place in spring after new committee members are appointed.