Examples of BT Site in a sentence
You may connect to the Internet using BT Wi-fi Access using your Customer Equipment and login name and password when you are located within the radio frequency coverage area of a BT Site.
BT will not authorise or guarantee access to any of the BT Sites or guarantee that BT Wi-fi Access will continue to be available from a specific BT Site.
BT may restrict access to, or respond to a request from one of BT’s Wi-fi Partners to restrict access to, specific websites at a BT Site.
BT will provide you with a wireless data service (which may also be known as BT Wi-fi or BT FON) that uses radio frequency to access a BT Site (“ BT Wi-Fi Access”).
BT will not authorise or guarantee access to any of the BT Sites for you to use BT Wi-fi Access or guarantee that BT Wi-fi Access will continue to be available from a specific BT Site.
BT does not authorise or guarantee access to any of the BT Sites for the Customer to use the Service or guarantee that Service will continue to be available from a specific BT Site.
For any BT Site that permits you to place orders or otherwise effect transactions with BT, additional terms and conditions may be applicable to that transaction and, if so, those terms will be displayed on the web pages which enable to you to conduct such business.
BT may restrict access to, or respond to a request from one of BT’s BT Wi-fi Partners to restrict access to, specific websites at a BT Site.
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BT’s global Managed Security Service (“Service”) provides network protection and optimisation at a Customer Site or hosted at a BT Site.