Host Site definition
Examples of Host Site in a sentence
The site agreement shall include terms for installing and monitoring the (insert technology to be demonstrated) at the Host Site and shall clearly specify the commitment and responsibilities of all parties.
The site agreement shall be executed with an entity having the authority to commit the Host Site.
The site agreement shall include terms to allow, upon reasonable advance notice, XXXXXXX’s Project Manager and his/her invited guests to visit the Host Site to inspect the (insert technology to be demonstrated) and to witness operations.
Signature: Parent/Guardian: Date: Witness: Date: Appendix E - Release Form - Permission to Collect and Use Data Participant’s Name: I grant written permission to the <<Host Site>> National Summer Transportation Institute and the Federal Highway Administration to use the information provided on the participant profile for marketing, recruitment, program evaluation, and data analysis purposes.
Each recommended Host Site must meet the overall objectives for the NSTI program.