Examples of Budget source in a sentence
The NOX authorized account representative of any NOX Budget source required to have a feder- ally enforceable permit shall submit to the permitting authority a complete NOX Budget permit application under§ 96.22 by the applicable deadline in paragraph (b) of this section.
No provision of the NOX Budget Program or an exemption under Section 96.5 shall be construed as exempting or excluding the owners and operators and, to the extent applicable, the NOX authorized account representative of a NOX Budget source or NOX Budget unit from compliance with any other provision of the applicable, approved state implementation plan, a federally enforceable permit, or the CAA.
The NOX authorized account representative of any NOX Budget source required to have a feder- ally enforceable permit shall submit to the permitting authority a complete NOX Budget permit application under§ 97.22 by the applicable deadline in paragraph (b) of this section.
RECORDKEEPING (1) Unless otherwise provided, the owners and operators of the NOx Budget source and each NOx Budget unit at the source shall keep on site at the source each of the following documents for a period of 5 years from the date the document is created.
Notwithstanding any such change, all representations, actions, in- actions, and submissions by the pre- vious NOX authorized account rep- resentative prior to the time and date when the Administrator receives the superseding account certificate of rep- resentation shall be binding on the new NOX authorized account representative and the owners and operators of the NOX Budget source and the NOX Budget units at the source.
Therefore, the rule proposes to allow for the appointment of one alternate Hg AAR (alternate Hg AAR) for a Hg Budget source.
This report must identify the Hg Budget units and the Hg Budget source, and include a compliance certification statement.
Notwith- standing any such change, all represen- tations, actions, inactions, and submis- sions by the previous alternate NOX au- thorized account representative prior to the time and date when the Admin- istrator receives the superseding ac- count certificate of representation shall be binding on the new alternate NOX authorized account representative and the owners and operators of the NOX Budget source and the NOX Budget units at the source.
The NOX authorized account rep- resentative shall ensure that the com- pliance account of the NOX Budget unit under paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this sec- tion, or the overdraft account of the NOX Budget source where the unit is located, includes the NOX allowances necessary for completion of the deduc- tion under paragraph (b)(1)(ii)(A) of this section.
Should the Hg Budget source not obtain sufficient Hg allowances to offset emissions for the season, three Hg allowances for each ounce of excess emissions would be deducted from the source’s compliance account for the following control period.