Burden of producing evidence definition

Burden of producing evidence means the obligation of a party to introduce evidence when necessary to avoid the risk of a judgment or peremptory finding against that party on an issue of fact.
Burden of producing evidence means the “obligation of a party to introduce evidence sufficient to avoid a ruling against him on the issue.” Evid. Code § 110. “At the outset of the case, this burden will coincide with the burden of proof.” Evid. Code § 550 Comment. But the burden of producing evidence may shift during trial. For example, where the party with the initial burden of producing evidence establishes a fact giving rise to a presumption in favor of that party on the issue, the burden of producing evidence shifts to the other party. Id.
Burden of producing evidence means the obligation of a party to introduce evidence of the existence or nonexistence of a relevant fact sufficient to avoid an adverse peremptory finding on that fact.

Examples of Burden of producing evidence in a sentence

  • Seizure of a stripped out children’s and young people’s home for residential use Immediate enforcement Restoration of the suspensive effect Burden of producing evidence of the municipality regarding other possibilities of averting danger Seizure prerequisites– no other possible or acceptable way being in the power of themunicipality of eradicating homelessnessThe city of Lüneburg seized a vacant building in Lüneburg – formerly used as a children’s and young people’s home.

Related to Burden of producing evidence

  • Proved Developed Producing Reserves means Proved Reserves which are categorized as both “Developed” and “Producing” in the Definitions, “Proved Developed Nonproducing Reserves” means Proved Reserves which are categorized as both “Developed” and “Nonproducing” in the Definitions, and “Proved Undeveloped Reserves” means Proved Reserves which are categorized as “Undeveloped” in the Definitions.

  • Subsurface tracer study means the release of a substance tagged with radioactive material for the purpose of tracing the movement or position of the tagged substance in the well-bore or adjacent formation.

  • Single-family housing means housing accommodations designed as a residence for not more than 1 family.

  • Study Subject an individual who participates in the Study, either as a recipient of the Investigational Product (defined below) or as a control. Subjekt studie: jednotlivec, který se účastní Studie, buď jakožto příjemce Hodnoceného léčiva (ve smyslu níže uvedené definice) nebo jako kontrolní subjekt.

  • Gathering lines means any pipeline, equipment, facility, or building used in the transportation of oil or gas during oil or gas production or gathering operations.

  • Producing means producing, directing, manufacturing, issuing, publishing, or advertising;

  • State-certified production means a qualified production

  • Distributed Generation means generating plant equipment collectively used for generating electricity that is connected, or proposed to be connected, to the Network or a Customer's Installation, but does not include:

  • Residual disinfectant concentration means the concentration of disinfectant measured in mg/L in a representative sample of water.

  • Ethanol blended gasoline means the same as defined in section 214A.1.

  • Reserve Report Certificate means a certificate of an Authorized Officer in substantially the form of Exhibit A certifying as to the matters set forth in Section 9.14(c).

  • Multi-family housing means a building or structure that is designed to house two (2) or more different households in separate housing Units which have full kitchen facilities including oven/range, refrigerator, kitchen sink with hot and cold water supply and food storage facilities and at least one (1) full bathroom facility(s), one (1) full bedroom and one (1) living area (including a combination thereof such as studio arrangements).

  • Subsurface Borings and Testing means borings, probings and subsurface explorations, laboratory tests and inspections of samples, materials and equipment; appropriate professional interpretations of all the foregoing.

  • Proved Developed Non-Producing Reserves means oil and gas reserves that, in accordance with Petroleum Industry Standards, are classified as both “Proved Reserves” and “Developed Non-Producing Reserves.”

  • Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel means diesel fuel that has a sulfur content of no more than fifteen parts per million.

  • Regulatory assets means the unamortized net regulatory assets that are capitalized or deferred on the regulatory books of the electric utility, pursuant to an order or practice of the public utilities commission or pursuant to generally accepted accounting principles as a result of a prior commission rate-making decision, and that would otherwise have been charged to expense as incurred or would not have been capitalized or otherwise deferred for future regulatory consideration absent commission action. "Regulatory assets" includes, but is not limited to, all deferred demand-side management costs; all deferred percentage of income payment plan arrears; post-in-service capitalized charges and assets recognized in connection with statement of financial accounting standards no. 109 (receivables from customers for income taxes); future nuclear decommissioning costs and fuel disposal costs as those costs have been determined by the commission in the electric utility's most recent rate or accounting application proceeding addressing such costs; the undepreciated costs of safety and radiation control equipment on nuclear generating plants owned or leased by an electric utility; and fuel costs currently deferred pursuant to the terms of one or more settlement agreements approved by the commission.

  • Distributed Generator means a person who owns or operates Distributed Generation;

  • Development Charges or “DC” shall mean the amount charged by the Company from the Applicant(s) towards carrying out the developmental works inside or around the Project, including but not limited to the payment of the following:

  • Medical marijuana concentrate means a specific subset of Medical Marijuana that was produced by extracting cannabinoids from Medical Marijuana. Categories of Medical Marijuana Concentrate include Water-Based Medical Marijuana Concentrate, Food-Based Medical Marijuana Concentrate and Solvent-Based Medical Marijuana Concentrate.

  • Residual Auction Revenue Rights means incremental stage 1 Auction Revenue Rights created within a Planning Period by an increase in transmission system capability, including the return to service of existing transmission capability, that was not modeled pursuant to Operating Agreement, Schedule 1, section 7.5 and the parallel provisions of Tariff, Attachment K- Appendix, section 7.5 in compliance with Operating Agreement, Schedule 1, section 7.4.2 (h) and the parallel provisions of Tariff, Attachment K-Appendix, section 7.4.2(h), and, if modeled, would have increased the amount of stage 1 Auction Revenue Rights allocated pursuant to Operating Agreement, Schedule 1, section 7.4.2 and the parallel provisions of Tariff, Attachment K-Appendix, section 7.4.2; provided that, the foregoing notwithstanding, Residual Auction Revenue Rights shall exclude: 1) Incremental Auction Revenue Rights allocated pursuant to Tariff, Part VI; and 2) Auction Revenue Rights allocated to entities that are assigned cost responsibility pursuant to Operating Agreement, Schedule 6 for transmission upgrades that create such rights.

  • Servicer Remittance Report As defined in Section 4.03(d).

  • Functional behavioral assessment means an individualized assessment of the student that results in a team hypothesis about the function of a student’s behavior and, as appropriate, recommendations for a behavior intervention plan.

  • Product Portfolio means a set of information related to the DS Offerings available at xxxx://xxx.0xx.xxx/terms/product-portfolio.

  • COGS means the cost of goods sold as determined in accordance with U.S.GAAP;

  • Marijuana producer means a person who produces marijuana in this state.

  • Commercial Production means the operation of the Property or any portion thereof as a producing mine and the production of mineral products therefrom (excluding bulk sampling, pilot plant or test operations);