Bureau report definition
Examples of Bureau report in a sentence
Additionally, those areas identified as within the 100 largest MSAs as a result of the last Census Bureau report shall also be included within this mandatory group of number portable switches.
The creditworthiness of each borrower is evaluated prior to lending and with a comprehensive review of information which includes the Credit Bureau report.
Statistical information is attached at the end of the Bureau report.
Successful applications have included projects to set up a forest school, enable correct grazing to enhance Duke of Burgundy butterfly populations and significant lengths of hedgerow planting.A further 9 applications are expected before Christmas for delivery in 21/22.
The Villages earned the No.1 ranking as the fastest growing micropolitan area in the United States according to a 2008 Census Bureau report.
All dyslexia evaluations will have one pathway through Special Education.
The Villages earned the No. 1 ranking as the fastest growing micropolitan area in the United States according to a 2008 Census Bureau report.
The report for this section may be combined with the California Research Bureau report submitted for the pilot program established by Section 3486 of the Civil Code.
Northwestern pulls data from the US Census Bureau report for each of our job categories based on what would be considered a reasonable recruitment area for each job group (i.e., nationally or local).
In cases where the Bureau has recommended denial, and the Executive Director has not directly scheduled the application for evidentiary hearing, the Commissioners can simply identify the Bureau report as being the issue they wish to discuss.