Bus Stop definition
Examples of Bus Stop in a sentence
ALocation: A.1Distance in Km from the Existing Branch A.2Distance in Km from thenearest City Bus Stop.
For purposes of proximity points, a Public Bus Stop means a fixed location at which passengers may access one or two routes of public transportation via buses.
The Public Bus Stop must service at least one bus route with scheduled stops at least hourly during the times of 7am to 9am and also during the times of 4pm to 6pm Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, on a year-round basis.
The location of an easement for a Bus Stop Boarding and Alighting Area, subject to the approval of Palm Tran shall be shown on the Master Plan and/or site plan prior to final approval of the Development Review Officer (DRO).
Prior to Plat Recordation, the property owner shall convey and/or dedicate to Palm Beach County an easement for a Bus Stop Boarding and Alighting Area in a form with terms and conditions approved by Palm Tran.