Bus Stops Sample Clauses
Bus Stops a. Bus stops designated for the boarding and alighting of passengers in the areas under Palestinian territorial jurisdiction shall be determined by the Palestinian side.
b. Bus stops at the main junctions leading to Settlements and military locations or Palestinian villages in the West Bank will be determined in cooperation between Israeli and Palestinian traffic controllers.
c. Existing bus stops will be kept at Jewish Holy Sites. Vehicles and Vehicle Maintenance
Bus Stops. The bus drivers shall not be required to make a stop at a pick-up spot in the instance where there is either no passenger waiting, or visibly approaching the assigned stop, provided the bus run is being made according to the established schedule. The bus driver is required to make a stop at the designated pick-up spot when the bus is not running according to the established schedule.
Bus Stops. It shall be CITY's sole responsibility to obtain any permission necessary to access or encroach upon any property for use as an origin and/or destination point associated with Community Bus Services.
Bus Stops. 1. TEMPE shall be responsible for installing bus stop signs on existing or newly established routes within the City of Tempe. Sign location, installation, size, appearance and content shall follow the RPTA and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations and guidelines.
2. TEMPE shall be responsible for assuring that all bus stops within its city limits meet all applicable legal standards, including but not limited to ADA requirements, for accessibility and other relevant factors, have appropriate amenities, are properly signed, and are regularly maintained to assure a clean environment for transit passengers.
Bus Stops. (1) Where new bus stop pads are constructed at bus stops, bays or other areas where a lift or ramp is to be deployed, they shall have a firm, stable surface; a minimum clear length of 96 inches (measured from the curb or vehicle roadway edge) and a minimum clear width of 60 inches (measured parallel to the vehicle roadway) to the maximum extent allowed by legal or site constraints.
(2) Where provided, new or replaced bus shelters shall be installed or positioned so as to permit a wheelchair or mobility aid user to enter from the public way and to reach a location, having a minimum clear floor area of 30 inches by 48 inches, entirely within the perimeter of the shelter. [(ADAAG 10.2.1(2) and Title 24 1131B.4]
(3) Newly constructed bus stop pads must provide a square curb surface between the pad and road or other detectable warning [Title 24 1131B.4]. Caltrans Type A or B curb, will satisfy the square curb requirement.
(4) Bus stop pads shall be at same slope as the roadway in direction parallel to roadway profile grade, and maximum of 2 percent slope perpendicular to roadway. [ADAAG 10.2.1(1) and Title 24 1131B.4]
Bus Stops. No person shall park or leave standing any vehicle within 30 (thirty) feet on bus stop side of the street to provide for loading and unloading of buses.
Bus Stops. The County and MTA have denied individuals with disabilities, by reason of those disabilities, the benefits of the County’s and MTA’s public transportation program, in violation of 42 U.S.C. § 12132. The County and MTA failed to site public transportation stops at locations that connect in an accessible manner to the pedestrian routes used by the general public. As a result, passengers who use wheelchairs cannot use the public transportation program to access a hospital complex that houses the County’s leading providers of inpatient and outpatient care, for example.
Bus Stops. COUNTY shall install bus stops and shelters as COUNTY shall deem necessary for the operation of service on all routes within the Southern Humboldt Bus Transit System. Stops shall be marked by painted curbs, signs or other means of identification as COUNTY shall determine. All such identifications shall be of adequate length to permit COUNTY-owned transit vehicles to stop parallel to the curb.
Bus Stops.
A. Provide bus stops, bus lay-bys and amenity pads at the locations specified in Table 3-2.6 [Bus Stop Requirements].
B. Bus stops must comply with the D&CS.
C. Bus lay-bys must be Designed to accommodate articulated bus, as defined in Figure 3-3.2.3-2 [City of Edmonton Articulated Bus Profile] of this Schedule, entering, exiting, and stopping parallel to the curb face, except as otherwise specified in Table 3-2.6 [Bus Stop Requirements].
1. An additional 1.2 m must be added to the front overhang shown in Figure 3-3.
Bus Stops. The applicant will seek to facilitate a bus route along the proposed spine road, with the addition of two new bus stops within the centre of the site. Refer to the Transport and Access chapter of the ES for full details.