Examples of Business and personal services in a sentence
Business and personal services, such as barber shops, beauty shops, tailors, laundries, printing, and locksmiths.
Group D – Business and personal services occupancy means the occupancy or use of a building or part thereof for the transaction of business or the rendering or receiving of professional or personal services.
Business and personal services such as dry cleaners began to move farther from the downtown.
Business and personal services included bro- kerage, capital leases, cash management ser- vices, credit card receipt processing, letter of credit, night depository, pension fund, per- sonal estate planning, trusts, retirement plan- ning, revolving credit arrangements, money/ coins for operations, and wire transfers.
Business and personal services, food and accommodation services Where results do diverge from Apel, Friberg, and Hallsten (2001) concerns the importance of wage costs.
The evaluation approach is such not only a way of identifying appropriate products but to support suppliers in improving their production towards better sustainability.
Business and personal services; all those permitted in the C-2 Central Business District and including the following types of establishments: Dry cleaning and laundry service, electrical repair, equipment rental, exterminating service, gunsmith, hotel and motels, small engine and motor repair, upholstering service, veterinary service-indoor, and similar uses.
For the GDP data we make the following transformations: in the GNP data we regrouped "Agriculture and livestock production", "Forestry", and "Fishing" into AGR; "Wholesale and retail trade", "Hotel, restaurants services" into WRT; "Financial institutions", "Ownership of dwelling", "Business and personal services", "Imputed bank service charges" into FIRE; "Government services", "Private non-profit institutions" into CSPSGS.
Business and personal services which are performed within an enclosed building, including duplicating, hairdressing, blueprinting, printing, photographic reproduction and film processing.
Business and personal services as well as the financial industries are the other two big winners in the job surge catalyzed by the Energy Innovation Scenario.Table 7.