Business Telephone Number definition
Examples of Business Telephone Number in a sentence
Please list below applicable vendor information: Federal Tax Identification Number: OrSocial Security Number: Dun and Bradstreet Number: Legal Name of Entity Assigned this Number: Street Address and/or Mailing Address: City, State, and Zip Code: Type of Business: Telephone Number: Fax Number: PAYMENTS UNDER TERMS OF ANY CONTRACT RESULTING FROM THIS SOLICITATION WILL BE HELD IN ABEYANCE PENDING RECEIPT OF A VALID FEDERAL TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER OR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER.
Contractor will maintain evidence/certifications that such tires meet all laboratory test and size requirements of Federal Standards MVSS 109 and will ensure that the tires are marked with "DOT" compliance symbol.
Please list below applicable vendor information: D-U-N-S Number: OrSocial Security Number: Federal Tax Identification Number: Legal Name of Entity Assigned this Number: Street Address and/or Mailing Address: City, State, and Zip Code: Type of Business: Telephone Number: PAYMENTS UNDER TERMS OF ANY CONTRACT RESULTING FROM THIS SOLICITATION WILL BE HELD IN ABEYANCE PENDING RECEIPT OF A VALID D-U-N-S NUMBER, SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, or FEDERAL TAX INDENTIFICATION NUMBER.
Business Telephone Number Survey Contact Name If you have any further premises where property is to be insured, please give details on the Additional Information page.
Business Name Year of Establishment Primary Business Activity Business Address Business Telephone Number Business NTN Business STRN Business Email Business Fax Number Name of Authorized Person CNIC of Authorized Person Contact No. of Authorized Person Email of Authorized Person Signature and Stamp of the Other than Lead Applicant Note: Please use C-2 Proforma for all members of JV/ Consortium other than Lead Applicant separately and annex with the application.
Financial Adviser Name (First, MI, Last, Suffix)Registered Investment Advisory Firm or Broker/Dealer Name Mailing Address - - City, State, Zip Business Telephone Number _ Firm Federal Taxpayer ID Number E x t.
Contractor Staff Security Form Your Full Name Social Security Number - TO BE PROVIDED IF AWARDED THE CONTRACT.Employer Employer Business Address Business Telephone Number Business Fax Number Residential Address - TO BE PROVIDED IF AWARDED THE CONTRACT.
Family Name First Name(s) Date of Birth / / (dd/mm/yyyy) Citizenship _ Relationship to Applicant_ Name of Employer_ Telephone Number of Employer Position Held Name of Manager/Supervisor Email of Manager/Supervisor ORSelf-EmployedName of Business Type of Business Telephone Number Address of Business Name of Referee from Accounts or Finance Section Email of Referee Telephone Number of Referee _* Sponsor must sign the following declaration.
The Agreement Monitor for the Department of Public Safety & Corrections shall be: Name (Typed) Title (Typed) Business Address (Typed) Business Telephone Number (Typed) The Department of Public Safety and Corrections' Agreement Monitor is the primary point of contact within the Government for matters relating to this Agreement.
The Agreement Monitor for the Department shall be: Name (Typed) Title (Typed) Business Address (Typed) Business Telephone Number (Typed) The Department's Agreement Monitor is the primary point of contact within the Department for matters relating to this Agreement.