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Postal Code definition

Postal Code. Country: Postal Code: Country:
Postal Code. Country: Postal Code: Country: Telephone: Facsimile: Telephone: Facsimile: E-Mail Address: E-Mail Address: SyndTrak E-Mail Address: SyndTrak E-Mail Address: Does Secondary Operations Contact need copy of notices? YES NO Letter of Credit Contact: Draft Documentation Contact or Legal Counsel: First: MI: Last: First: MI: Last: Title: Title: Street Address: Street Address: Suite/ Mail Code: Suite/ Mail Code: City: State: City: State: Postal Code: Country: Postal Code: Country: Telephone: Facsimile: Telephone: Facsimile: E-Mail Address: E-Mail Address: 7. Currencies and Jurisdictions in Transaction: LEASE CHECK BOX OF THE CURRENCIES YOUR INSTITUTION CAN FUND UNDER THIS TRANSACTION: USD YEN EURO GBP CAD PLEASE CHECK BOX IF YOUR INSTITUTION CAN FUND UNDER THE FOLLOWING JURISDICTIONS: Switzerland 8. Lender’s Payment Instructions: Please input payment instructions for each respective currency referenced within Section 6 above in fields below. If your respective institution is unable to fund any of the above currencies, please inform e-mail recipient identified in Section 1 of this Administrative Questionnaire Form immediately. If submitting payment instructions under separate cover, please indentify below. Are Lender Payment Instructions attached separately? YES NO If NO, please complete payment instructions on next page. MARCH 2016 Bank of America CONFIDENTIAL 3 ADMINISTRATIVE QUESTIONNAIRE – (MULTICURRENCY) CONFIDENTIAL Currency: US Dollars Currency: Bank Name: Bank Name: ABA #: SWIFT #: City: State: Country: Account #: Account #: Account Name: Account Name: Attention: FCC Account #: FCC Account Name: Attention: Currency: Bank Name: SWIFT #: Currency: Country: Bank Name: Account #: SWIFT #: Account Name: Country: FCC Account #: Account #: FCC Account Name: Account Name: Attention: FCC Account #: FCC Account Name: Currency: Attention: Bank Name: SWIFT #: Currency: Country: Bank Name: Account #: SWIFT #: Account Name: Country: FCC Account #: Account #: FCC Account Name: Account Name: Attention: FCC Account #: FCC Account Name: Currency: Attention: Bank Name: SWIFT #: Country: Currency: Account #: Bank Name: Account Name: SWIFT #: FCC Account #: Country: FCC Account Name: Account #: Attention: Account Name: FCC Account #: FCC Account Name: Attention: MARCH 2016 Bank of America CONFIDENTIAL
Postal Code. City : Country : Mobile : Telephone: E-mail: Second e-mail:

Examples of Postal Code in a sentence

  • Apt/Suite/Floor (Optional) City * State * Postal Code * Home address is used to determine the senate district in which you reside.

  • Name of Bidder Street City Province Postal Code Facsimile Number (Mailing address if different) Street or P.O. Box City Province Postal Code (Choose one) The Bidder is: a sole proprietor a partnership a corporation carrying on business under the above name.

  • Name of Bidder Usual Business Name of Bidder as it appears on Invoice (if different from above) Street City Province Postal Code Email Address of Bidder Facsimile Number (Mailing address if different) Street or P.O. Box City Province Postal Code GST Registration Number (if applicable) (Choose one) The Bidder is: a sole proprietor a partnership a corporation carrying on business under the above name.

  • Name of Bidder Usual Business Name of Bidder as it appears on Invoice (if different from above) Street City Province Postal Code (Mailing address if different) Email Address of Bidder Facsimile Number Street or P.O. Box City Province Postal Code (Choose one) GST Registration Number (if applicable) The Bidder is: a sole proprietor a partnership a corporation carrying on business under the above name.

  • Name of Bidder/Proponent Usual Business Name of Bidder/ Proponent as it appears on Invoice (if different from above) Street City Province Postal Code Email Address of Bidder/Proponent (Mailing address if different) Facsimile Number Street or P.O. Box City Province Postal Code GST Registration Number (if applicable) (Choose one) The Bidder/Proponent is: a sole proprietor a partnership a corporation carrying on business under the above name.

More Definitions of Postal Code

Postal Code. City: Country: SWIFT Code : IBAN No : Account No : Bank Account Holder Name:
Postal Code country";"balance_sheet_total";"number_of_ employees";"es_code";"institutional_sector";"economi c_activity";"legal_form";"date_of_enterprise_size" Alpha-numeric Semicolon-separated string of all column names. Field names are put in double quotation marks. 1 reporting_agent_identifier Variable characters (60) 60 identifier domain 2 counterparty_identifier Variable characters (60) 60 identifier domain 3 reporting_reference_date Date reporting reference date 4 city_town_village Variable multibyte (255) 255 medium sized string with unknown 5 postal_code Variable multibyte (20) 20 postal code with exclusions 6 country Characters (2) 2 ISO 3166 Country 7 balance_sheet_total Decimal (16,0) 16 euro amount (non-negative) with unknown 8 number_of_employees Decimal (12,0) 12 real number (non-negative) with exclusions 9 es_code Variable multibyte (255) 255 code 10 institutional_sector Variable multibyte (255) 255 code 11 economic_activity Variable multibyte (255) 255 code 12 legal_form Variable multibyte (255) 255 code 13 date_of_enterprise_size Date date with unknown
Postal CodeWeb Address: How long at this address: Is location owned or rented: Landlord Name: What line of business are you in: Telephone: Number of Years in business: Legal form of business: Proprietorship Partnership Corporation If applicant is a subsidiary please provide name of parent company: Principal Owner/Shareholder: Telephone: Email: Annual Sales: $ No. of Employees: Net Worth of Company: $ *Credit Limit Desired: $ Estimated annual purchases with Canadian North: Cargo: $ Maintenance: $ Name of Bank and Branch: Telephone: Fax: Account # Are assets pledged (other than to the bank): YES NO
Postal Code. Country: Telephone: Facsimile: E-Mail Address:
Postal Code. Country:___________ Fax #:___________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Backup: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address:_______________________________________ E-mail:__________________________________ City:__________________________________________ State:_____________ Phone #:_________________________________
Postal Code. Country: Fax #: Backup: Address: E-mail: City: State: Phone #:
Postal Code means a conventional digital marking of a postal address provided to a postal establishment, which is valid throughout the whole territory of the Republic of Armenia and is binding upon operators of postal communication.