Examples of C Account in a sentence
This account shall include the cost of electric plant which was constructed as a re- search, development, and demonstration plant under the provisions of Paragraph C, Account 107, Construction Work in Progress—Electric, and due to the nature of the plant, it is desirous to operate it for a pe- riod of time in an experimental status.
Each (A) Initial Account was an Eligible Account as of the Cutoff Date, (B) Additional Account is an Eligible Account as of the applicable Additional Cutoff Date and (C) Account is an Eligible Account as of each Series Cutoff Date.
Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, it also consists of the Income from the investments made from the Principal, and transfers from the B Account and C Account in accordance with this Article.
Unless clearly indicated otherwise, any reference to “Account” or “Accounts” in this Part C shall refer to a Part C Account only.
More than one Deferred Benefit Account shall be maintained for each Participant to reflect (a) separate deferral elections made pursuant to separately executed Participation Agreements as provided in paragraph 4.3, and (b) Account A, Account B, Account C, Account AA, Account BB, and Account CC elections made by each Participant in each such Participation Agreement.
More than one Deferred Benefit Account shall be maintained for each Participant to reflect (a) Termination and Retirement Interest Yields, (b) separate deferral elections, and (c) Account A, Account B, Account C, Account AA, Account BB, and Account CC elections.
C Account Servicing - Once a loan is awarded and disbursed, or a financial obligation to repay an administrative debt has been established, the Federal agency (or in the case of a guaranteed loan, the lender) becomes responsible for servicing or controlling the account.
Each tender must be accompanied by an Earnest Money@ 2% value of contract amounting Rs.10,000/- (Rupees TEN Thousand only) which must be submitted electronically through NEFT/RTGS/ other electronic means by the tenderers in the C C Account No. 00000010864106840 Main Branch, Hazratganj LUCKNOW (IFSC CODE SBIN0000125) of State Bank of India.
The Issuer will lend to the Borrowers and the Borrowers will borrow from the Issuer, upon the terms and conditions specified herein, the amount (not to exceed $500,000) of Proceeds received by the Issuer from the sale of the Series C Bonds by causing such Proceeds to be credited to the Project Fund – Series C Account under Section 3.01 for disbursement in accordance with Section 4.02 (the “Series C Loan”).
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES FORM EAccrued Expense (Operating Expense Incurred Page of _but not Recorded as Expense as of June 30, 20XX) L O C Account CC Fund Project Fin.