Examples of Cable Companies in a sentence
His skill set and his experience places him at par with similar positions on other major Cable Companies in India.
The parties will negotiate in good faith and use reasonable efforts to establish such distribution or other relationship, but neither Purchaser nor the Cable Companies, on the one hand, or the Company, on the other hand, shall have any legal obligation to the other if such a relationship is not established.
Accordingly, after the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, the Company shall promptly commence negotiations with the Cable Companies, and Purchaser shall cause the Cable Companies to commence such negotiations, with respect to the establishment of a distribution or other relationship to offer the Company's content to their subscribers.
The successful bidder however, will not be responsible to lift/remove debris dumped by various departments such as PTCL, Sui Southern Gas Co. Cable Companies, DHA and CBC etc., or private contractors carrying out repair works without CBC approval which shall be removed by the concerned contractors.
Cable Companies Counties and cities have the authority to enter into a franchise agreement with a cable television system operator to provide service within their jurisdiction.
Implement any new marketing plans not contemplated in the Companies' budgets, except as set forth in Schedule 6.1 or as consented to by Buyer, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or engage in any marketing, subscriber installation or collection practices that are inconsistent in any material respect with the practices of the Cable Companies for the periods covered by the Financial Statements.
To provide context for our discussion of the legal issues raised by the Cable Companies, we begin with an overview of the video programming industry and its relevant terminology.
Cable Companies and Systems.The Commission has developed its own small business size standards for the purpose of cable rate regulation.
These allegations support the inference that the Cable Companies had significant leverage over At Home and were able to dictate to At Home the terms of the March 2000 Agreements.3. Cox and Comcast’s “Veto” Power There is no case law in Delaware, nor in any other jurisdiction that this Court is aware of, holding that board veto power in and of itself gives rise to a shareholder’s controlling status.
The question here, then, is whether such regulation is justified by a countervailing government interest under the appropriate level of First Amendment scrutiny.In their petitions for review, the Cable Companies contend that the FCC erred when, in issuing the 2011 FCC Order, it subjected the program carriage regime to intermediate scrutiny.