Caldas Gold definition
Examples of Caldas Gold in a sentence
The common shares of Caldas Gold commenced trading on the TSXV on February 28, 2020 under the symbol “CGC”.
Immediately prior to the RTO Transaction, the Company changed its name to Caldas Gold Corp.
Caldas Gold Colombia holds all of the issued and outstanding shares of Caldas Gold Marmato, which, in turn, holds the Caldas Marmato Project.
On June 26, 2020, the Board of Caldas Gold approved the grant of a total of 160,000 stock options to new employees of the Caldas Gold and a consultant exercisable at CA$2.50 per share and expiring on June 26, 2025.
Through the Company’s wholly owned subsidiary, SARC, the Company indirectly owns all of the issued and outstanding shares of Caldas Gold Colombia Inc., a corporation existing under the laws of Panama.
On June 26, 2020, Caldas Gold approved the grant of $120,000 of DSUs to its two newly elected non- executive directors representing an initial two-year award under the DSU plan, of which 50% vested on the grant date and the other 50% will vest on June 26, 2021.
On March 12, 2020, the Board of Caldas Gold approved the grant of a total of 4,550,000 stock options to executive officers and management of Caldas Gold and an investor relations advisory firm, exercisable at CA$2.00 per share and expiring on March 1, 2025.
However, in October 2019 the Company announced its intention to spin-out the Marmato Mining Assets to Caldas Gold and in February 2020 completed the Caldas RTO.
Once the mining license renewal is received, the balance of the Escrowed Funds will be released to the Caldas Gold.
Nitrate con- tamination is also a concern in Dunnigan, particularly in the Old Town and Hardwood Subdivision areas.