Country Risk means all factors reasonably related to the systemic risk of holding Foreign Assets in a particular country including, but not limited to, such country’s political environment, economic and financial infrastructure (including any Eligible Securities Depository operating in the country), prevailing or developing custody and settlement practices, and laws and regulations applicable to the safekeeping and recovery of Foreign Assets held in custody in that country.
Minimal risk means that the probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort anticipated in the research are not greater in and of themselves than those ordinarily encountered in daily life or during the performance of routine physical or psychological examinations or tests.
systemic risk means a risk of disruption in the financial system with the potential to have serious negative consequences for the financial system and the real economy;
Tail risk means a risk that occurs either where the frequency of low probability events is higher than expected under a normal probability distribution or where there are observed events of very significant size or magnitude.
operational risk means the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems or from external events, and includes legal risk;
Flood Insurance Study (FIS means an examination, evaluation, and determination of flood hazards, corresponding water surface elevations (if appropriate), flood hazard risk zones, and other flood data in a community issued by the FEMA. The Flood Insurance Study report includes Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) and Flood Boundary and Floodway Maps (FBFMs), if published.
Potential geologic hazard area means an area that:
high risk breach means that the threshold for notifying the individual is higher than that for notifying the relevant supervisory authority.
Low risk means normal, uncomplicated prenatal course as determined by adequate prenatal care and prospects for a normal, uncomplicated birth as defined by reasonable and generally accepted criteria of maternal and fetal health.
Product Conditions means these product terms and conditions. These Product Conditions apply to each series of cash settled Warrants over single equities;
Sustainability Risk means an environmental, social or governance event or condition that, if it occurs, could cause an actual or a potential material negative impact on the value of the investment;
Country Risks means with respect to any Foreign Depository: (a) the financial infrastructure of the country in which it is organized, (b) such country's prevailing custody and settlement practices, (c) nationalization, expropriation or other governmental actions, (d) such country's regulation of the banking or securities industry, (e) currency controls, restrictions, devaluations or fluctuations, and (f) market conditions which affect the order execution of securities transactions or affect the value of securities.
Wild animals means those species of the class Mammalia whose
Preexisting condition exclusion means, with respect to coverage, a limitation or exclusion of
Insurance producer means a person required to be licensed under the laws of this state to sell, solicit or negotiate insurance, including annuities.
Emergency medical condition means a medical condition manifesting itself by acute symptoms of recent onset and sufficient severity (including severe pain), such that a prudent layperson, who possesses an average knowledge of health and medicine, could reasonably expect the absence of immediate medical care could result in:
Flood Insurance Study means the official report provided by the Federal Insurance Administration that includes flood profiles, the Flood Insurance Rate Map, the Flood Boundary and Floodway Map, and the water surface elevation of the base flood.
COVID-19 hazard means exposure to potentially infectious material that may contain SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Potentially infectious materials include airborne droplets, small particle aerosols, and airborne droplet nuclei, which most commonly result from a person or persons exhaling, talking or vocalizing, coughing, sneezing, or procedures performed on persons which may aerosolize saliva or respiratory tract fluids, among other things. This also includes objects or surfaces that may be contaminated with SARS-CoV-2.
Wild animal means any mammal, bird, fish, or other creature of a wild nature endowed with sensation and the power of voluntary motion.
Insurance score means a number or rating that is derived from an algorithm, computer application, model, or other process that is based in whole or in part on credit information for the purposes of predicting the future insurance loss exposure of a consumer.
windstorm means straight line winds of at least 80 miles per
fall risk means any potential exposure to falling either from, off or into;
Regulatory Conditions means the conditions set out in paragraphs 3.3 to 3.5 (inclusive) of Part A of Appendix I to the Announcement;
Exclusions means that certain things are deliberately not covered in a particular policy type
Extended producer responsibility ’ (EPR) means responsibility of any producer of packaging products such as plastic, tin, glass, wrappers and corrugated boxes, etc., for environmentally sound management, till end-of-life of the packaging products ;
CREFC® Significant Insurance Event Template A report substantially in the form of, and containing the information called for in, the downloadable form of the “Interest Significant Insurance Event Template” available as of the Closing Date on the CREFC® Website, or such other form for the presentation of such information and containing such additional information as may from time to time be approved by the CREFC® for commercial mortgage securities transactions generally.