Cannabis distribution definition

Cannabis distribution means the activity of transporting cannabis or cannabis products between State licensedes cannabis businesses, and any ancillary activity, such as cannabis flower packaging, pre-roll packaging or labeling products, or storage between transport, that is conducted in association with the distribution activity.
Cannabis distribution means a facility where a person conducts the business of procuring cannabis from licensed cultivators or manufacturers for sale to licensed cannabis dispensaries or cannabis retailers, and the inspection, quality assurance, batch testing by a Type 8 licensee, storage, labeling, packaging and other processes, prior to transport to licensed cannabis dispensaries or cannabis retailers. This facility requires a Type 11 license pursuant to MAUCRSA or a state cannabis license type subsequently established.
Cannabis distribution means the procurement, sale, and transport of cannabis and cannabis products between those persons or entities holding commercial cannabis licenses.

Examples of Cannabis distribution in a sentence

  • Cannabis distribution facilities shall not be located within six hundred (600) feet from any pre-school, elementary school, junior high school, high school, library, park, playground, recreation or youth center, licensed drug or alcohol recovery facility, or licensed sober living facility.

  • Cannabis distribution facilities in the Commercial Service land use category are limited to those sites within an Urban Reserve Line (URL) only.

  • Cannabis distribution operations shall be subject to the following permitting requirements.

  • Automated pharmacy systems provide pharmacies the ability to automate the pill dispensing process while implementing what is expected to be a highly profitable medicinal Cannabis distribution process, with less personnel utilizing robotic prescription dispensing systems that are affordable.

  • Cannabis distribution facilities shall not be located within 1,500 feet from any school, school bus stop, place of worship, park, playground child care center, youth-oriented facility, pre-school, licensed drug or alcohol recovery facility, or licensed sober living facility.

More Definitions of Cannabis distribution

Cannabis distribution means the procurement, sale, and transport of cannabis and cannabis products and any other activity allowed under the state distributor license(s), including, but not limited to, cannabis storage, packaging, quality control and collection of state cannabis taxes.
Cannabis distribution means the procurement, sale, and transport of cannabis and cannabis products between cannabis businesses.
Cannabis distribution means the activity of transporting cannabis or cannabis products between licensees, and any ancillary activity, such as packaging or labeling products, or storage between transport, that is conducted in association with the distribution activity. This definition should be read consistently with the definition for cannabis distribution set forth in Chapter 13.10, to the extent there may be minor differences.
Cannabis distribution or "Cannabis transport" means any activity involving the commercial procurement, sale, transfer and/or transport of cannabis and cannabis products from one cannabis business to another cannabis business for purposes authorized pursuant to state law.
Cannabis distribution means the distribution of Cannabis by any means, and includes administering, giving, transferring, transporting, sending, delivering, providing or otherwise making available Cannabis in any manner, whether directly or indirectly, and offering to do any of those things as lawfully licensed, permitted and authorized under the Cannabis Distribution Act (British Columbia). [Amendment, 2019, Bylaw No. 2984]
Cannabis distribution means commercial cannabis activity involving the procurement,
Cannabis distribution means the procurement, sale, and transport of cannabis or cannabis products between entities licensed pursuant to the Medical and Adult Use of Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act and any subsequent State of California legislation regarding the same.