Carbon Cost definition

Carbon Cost means the reasonable costs incurred by Service Provider in respect of Gas delivered to User that arises out of, incident to or resulting from an Australian Carbon Scheme, including:
Carbon Cost means that portion of the Energy Price, calculated as described in Section 1.2(c)(ii) of this Schedule "B ".
Carbon Cost means any cost arising in relation to the management of and complying with any obligations or liabilities that may arise under any Law in relation to greenhouse gas emissions. Such costs may include the costs reasonably incurred by the Owner of actions taken by it to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or mitigate their effect and the costs incurred in acquiring and disposing of or otherwise trading emissions permits, but do not include any shortfall charges or late payment penalties imposed on the Owner for failing to discharge all of its liabilities by the due dates prescribed in any Law under which or because of whose operation the Carbon Cost arises. Charges means the Commodity Charge, the Capacity Reservation Charge and Other Charges.

Examples of Carbon Cost in a sentence

  • Peter Howard, Omitted Damages: What’s Missing from the Social Cost of Carbon (Cost of Carbon Project Report, 2014), and van den Bergh, J.

  • The Carbon Cost in Period p shall be the fair and equitable proportion (as determined by the ORR) of all costs, expenses and any other financial liabilities relating to the carbon reduction commitment (to be introduced pursuant to Part 3 of the Climate Change Act 2008) incurred by HS1 Ltd which relate to such Period.

  • The Executive Officer shall calculate a Common Carbon Cost (CCC), which represents the annual cost per MTCO2 emitted.

  • For entities reporting pursuant to 95204(h), the Executive Officer shall calculate the Common Carbon Cost and fuel fee rates using the default clinker emission factor provided in the latest ARB GHG inventory (, unless the entity reports a facility-specific clinker emission factor.

  • The Executive Officer shall calculate a Common Carbon Cost (CCC), which represents the annual cost per MTCO2e emitted.

  • Tiffany Stecker, Administration Grossly Underestimated Carbon Cost, Says Study, N.Y. TIMES (July 14, 2011), underestimated-carbon-69396.html (stating that estimates vary from $5 to $3,000 a ton); Ackerman & Stanton, supra note 38, at 2; FRANK ACKERMAN & ELIZABETH A.

  • Carbon Cost is approximately only 15% of the total aluminium manufacturing cost.

  • Capture &sequester from existing coalplants @ $50/tonFigure 3.1. Carbon Cost Abatement Curve.

  • For entities reporting pursuant to section 95204(d)(1), (d)(2), (d)(3), (d)(4), (d)(5), (e), (f)(1), and (f)(2), and (f)(3), the Executive Officer shall calculate the Common Carbon Cost and the Fuel fee rates using the following emissions factors: pursuant to the Mandatory Reporting Regulation.

  • Revesz et al., Global Warming: Improve Economic Models of Climate Change, 508 NATURE 173 (2014); Peter Howard, Omitted Damages: What’s Missing from the Social Cost of Carbon (Cost of Carbon Project Report, 2014); Frances C.

More Definitions of Carbon Cost

Carbon Cost means any cost or tax incurred, whether directly or indirectly, in respect of the Building or the Landlord’s ownership of the Building arising out of, incidental to, or resulting from a Carbon Regime.
Carbon Cost means any cost, expense, charge, liability, obligation, tax, royalty rate, duty, levy or penalty (present or in the future arising from a Carbon Scheme and includes: (i) any cost incurred to acquire, account for, register or trade any permits; and (ii) any other cost incurred which arises from compliance with the Carbon Scheme, including internal compliance costs and the costs arising from the need to record, account or report any greenhouse gas emission or related activities or costs passed to the Carrier by any other supplier that is a carbon related cost.
Carbon Cost means any cost, expense, charge, liability, obligation, tax, royalty rate, duty, levy or penalty (present or in the future) arising from a Carbon Scheme and includes:
Carbon Cost shall be calculated as follows: ((Heat Rate × NGEI) – Benchmark) × Carbon Price If less than zero, it shall be deemed to be zero. This calculation shall be amended in accordance with Section 14.2 in the event that a change in Applicable Law occurs that affects this calculation.

Related to Carbon Cost

  • Direct Cost means a cost not to exceed the cost of labor, material, travel and other expenditures to the extent the costs are directly incurred to provide the relevant assistance or service. “Direct Cost” to the Acquirer for its use of any of a Respondent’s employees’ labor shall not exceed the average hourly wage rate for such employee;

  • Transportation Costs means a component of the Charges, comprising those charges payable to the TNO and/or DNO for the use of their networks as applicable from time to time under the Industry Agreements including those charges more specifically referred to as “DUoS” and “TNUoS” and specified as “Included in the Unit Rate”, “Fixed” or “Pass-Through” in the Quotation Document or as otherwise notified to you as payable during the Supply Contract from time to time;

  • Total Project Cost means all the funds to complete the effort proposed by the Applicant, including DOE funds (including direct funding of any FFRDC) plus all other funds that will be committed by the Applicant as Cost Sharing.

  • Contract Cost means the Contract Sum plus Price Variation. This cost shall be included in the letter of acceptance.

  • Trip Cost means the dollar amount of Trip payments or deposits paid by the Insured prior the Insured’s Trip Departure Date and shown on any required application which is subject to cancellation penalties or restrictions. Trip cost will also include the cost of any subsequent pre-paid payments or deposits paid by the Insured for the same Trip, after application for coverage under this plan provided the Insured amends the Application to add such subsequent payments or deposits and pays any required additional plan cost prior to the Insured’s Departure Date.

  • Project Costs means all allowable costs, as set forth in the applicable Federal cost principles, incurred by a recipient and the value of the contribu- tions made by third parties in accom- plishing the objectives of the award during the project period.

  • Operating Costs means the reasonable incremental expenses incurred by the Recipient on account of Project implementation, including costs related to audits, office equipment and supplies, vehicle operation and maintenance, shipping costs, office rentals, communication and insurance costs, office administration costs, bank charges, utilities, transport costs, travel, per diem and supervision costs, and salaries of contracted employees, but excluding salaries of officials of the Recipient’s civil service.