Examples of Carbon Cost in a sentence
Peter Howard, Omitted Damages: What’s Missing from the Social Cost of Carbon (Cost of Carbon Project Report, 2014), and van den Bergh, J.
The Carbon Cost in Period p shall be the fair and equitable proportion (as determined by the ORR) of all costs, expenses and any other financial liabilities relating to the carbon reduction commitment (to be introduced pursuant to Part 3 of the Climate Change Act 2008) incurred by HS1 Ltd which relate to such Period.
The Executive Officer shall calculate a Common Carbon Cost (CCC), which represents the annual cost per MTCO2 emitted.
For entities reporting pursuant to 95204(h), the Executive Officer shall calculate the Common Carbon Cost and fuel fee rates using the default clinker emission factor provided in the latest ARB GHG inventory (http://www.arb.ca.gov/cc/inventory/inventory.htm), unless the entity reports a facility-specific clinker emission factor.
The Executive Officer shall calculate a Common Carbon Cost (CCC), which represents the annual cost per MTCO2e emitted.
Tiffany Stecker, Administration Grossly Underestimated Carbon Cost, Says Study, N.Y. TIMES (July 14, 2011), http://www.nytimes.com/cwire/2011/07/14/14climatewire-administration-grossly- underestimated-carbon-69396.html (stating that estimates vary from $5 to $3,000 a ton); Ackerman & Stanton, supra note 38, at 2; FRANK ACKERMAN & ELIZABETH A.
Carbon Cost is approximately only 15% of the total aluminium manufacturing cost.
Capture &sequester from existing coalplants @ $50/tonFigure 3.1. Carbon Cost Abatement Curve.
For entities reporting pursuant to section 95204(d)(1), (d)(2), (d)(3), (d)(4), (d)(5), (e), (f)(1), and (f)(2), and (f)(3), the Executive Officer shall calculate the Common Carbon Cost and the Fuel fee rates using the following emissions factors: pursuant to the Mandatory Reporting Regulation.
Revesz et al., Global Warming: Improve Economic Models of Climate Change, 508 NATURE 173 (2014); Peter Howard, Omitted Damages: What’s Missing from the Social Cost of Carbon (Cost of Carbon Project Report, 2014); Frances C.