Section 14.2 Sample Clauses
Section 14.2. 16 All employees subject to this Agreement who are not members of the Association on the effective date of 17 this Agreement, and all employees subject to this Agreement who are hired at a time subsequent to the 18 effective date of this Agreement, shall, as a condition of employment, become members in good standing 19 of the Association within thirty (30) days of the effective date of this Agreement or within thirty (30) days 20 of the hire date, whichever is applicable. Such employee shall then maintain membership in the 21 Association in good standing during the period of this Agreement.
Section 14.2. 38 All employees subject to this Agreement who are not members of the Association on the effective date 39 of this Agreement, and all employees subject to this Agreement who are hired at a time subsequent to 40 the effective date of this Agreement, shall, as a condition of employment, become members of the 41 Association. Such employee shall then maintain membership in the Association or pay a representation 42 fee during the period of this Agreement.
Section 14.2. 1. Step 1.
Section 14.2. 13 Grievance claims will be processed as rapidly as possible. The number of days indicated at each step 14 will be considered as maximum and every effort will be made to expedite the process. Time limits 15 under unusual circumstances may be extended by mutual consent. Failure of the employee to proceed 16 with the grievance within time limits provided will result in dismissal of the grievance. Failure of the 17 District to take required action within time limits provided will entitle the Association to move to the 18 next step in the grievance procedure.
Section 14.2. 44 At any time, a job changes significantly from the job description, the Association reserves the 45 right to appeal for a change in job description or reclassification within existing Salary Schedules 46 A (a.k.a. Schedules 53, 54, 55, 59 and 61). Such appeals may be made through administrative 47 channels up to the level of Superintendent but shall not be subject to the grievance or arbitration 1 procedures. The District recognizes its obligation under RCW 41.56 to bargain salaries for new or 2 substantially changed positions.
Section 14.2. District will notify the Association of all new hires within ten (10) working days of the hire date.
Section 14.2. 20 Employees attending training courses or seminars requested by the employee and approved by the 21 District will suffer no loss of regular salary, if the course requires them to attend on their regular 22 employment time, but no salary payment will be made for any time an employee would not have 23 regularly worked; however, expenses incurred for transportation and/or training course fees and tuitions 24 will be paid by the District.
Section 14.2. 2 All money earned by District employees created by High School activities shall be paid to the 3 employee by the Payroll Office after submission of time reports approved by the District Athletic 4 Director. The high school pay schedule remains the same, the work is on a voluntary basis, and 5 workers must be approved by the High School Principal.
Section 14.2. 11 All employees in classifications subject to this Agreement who are not members of this Association on 12 the effective date of this Agreement and all employees in classifications subject to this Agreement who 13 are hired at a time subsequent to the effective date of this Agreement shall, as a condition of 14 employment, become members in good standing of the Association within forty (40) days of the 15 effective date of this Agreement or within forty (40) days of the hire date, whichever is applicable. 16 Such employee shall then maintain his/her membership in the Association in accordance with the 17 previous section.
Section 14.2. 21 The Association agrees to defend and hold the District harmless against any legal action brought against 22 the District in reference to the deduction of dues or political action contributions made under this Article.