Care Connection for Children definition
Examples of Care Connection for Children in a sentence
First level of appeal: An individual or his representative may make a written or oral appeal to the employee designated to be responsible for the administration of the different programs (the Care Connection for Children Program Director, Administrative Director for the Child Development Services, Bleeding Disorders Program Coordinator, or Sickle Cell Program Manager) within 30 days of the denial of service.
The CSHCN Program administers the Care Connection for Children Program, Child Development Services Program, and the Virginia Bleeding Disorders Program that serve these children.
Information provided by the VDH, Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN), Care Connection for Children (CCC) stated: The CSHCN Pool of Funds provides a limited amount of money to assist CSHCN who are uninsured or underinsured whose families have gross family income at or below 300% of the Federal Poverty Level.
Key activities: improve VaCARES case ascertainment and reporting; evaluate surveillance methodology; enhance partnerships to expand birth defects prevention; evaluate progress in birth defects prevention; and improve access of care for children identified through Virginia Congenital Anomalies Reporting and Education System (VaCARES), for example, to Care Connection for Children and Part C Early Intervention.
Care Connection for Children (CCC)There are an estimated 190,600 children with special health care needs in Virginia.
Blue Ridge Care Connection for Children is located in Republic Plaza at 853 West Main Street, Suite104.
Additional grant funds have been used for the purchase of telemedicine equipment to screen for diabetic retinopathy, a condition that leads to blindness if it isn’t identified and treated.One of the greatest accomplishments of the VDH-UVA telemedicine collaboration was UVA’s agreement to include the Care Connection for Children, a VDH-sponsored system of regional programs for children with special healthcare needs.
Tanque de Captación is located in a prominent canyon (the Quebrada Pinalín) just to the north of Malingua Pamba.
The purpose of this Request for Sealed Proposals is to solicit proposals to establish a contract through competitive negotiation for the purchase of Care Connection for Children services by the Virginia Department of Health (hereinafter referred to as VDH), Office of Family Health Services (hereinafter referred to as OFHS).
Care Connection for Children is a statewide network of Centers of Excellence for Children with Special Health Care Needs that facilitates access to comprehensive medical and support services, which are collaborative, family-centered, culturally-competent, fiscally responsible, community-based, coordinated and outcome-oriented to children and youth with special health care needs and their families.