Caribbean Community definition
Examples of Caribbean Community in a sentence
The officer will be granted the privileges and immunities extended to officials of the Caribbean Community in accordance with Article 8 of the Community’s Headquarters Agreement with the Government of Guyana.
In the meantime, as from 15 January 2007 (later shifted to 1 February) the CARICOM countries introduced a special visa regime for the nationals of several EU Member States (EU nationals were treated unequally as the citizens of the other Member States remained exempted from the visa obligation) due to the Cricket World Cup 2007 taking place in the Caribbean Community.
The Parties acknowledge the efforts of the CARIFORUM States to xxxxxx regional and sub-regional integration amongst themselves through the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas establishing the Caribbean Community including the CARICOM Single Market and Economy, the Treaty of Basseterre establishing the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States and the Agreement establishing a Free Trade Area between the Caribbean Community and the Dominican Republic.
The permission granted by the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community at its Ninth Special Meeting in November 2003 to Trinidad and Tobago for the suspension by that State of the CET on the importation of items of Heading 0201 and 0202 from Costa Rica shall remain in force until 31 December 2005.
The design of the Project is based on an agreement made between KfW (the German Development Bank) and the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) through the CARICOM Secretariat.