Examples of Case Equivalent in a sentence
All Styrofoam shipping boxes will be repacked into a Case Equivalent box.
If, after 15 days, the Customer has not moved the delivered items from the holding locker to the Customer’s storage locker or authorized the Company to do so, the Company shall repack all non-standard or Styrofoam shipping boxes into a Case Equivalent (as defined below).
Id.Monterey claims that, as it performed under the contract, it became aware “that the applications the VA had issued to Monterey for processing, through no fault of Monterey, were not resulting in the 650/900 Case Equivalent-to-total-cases ratio the VA had specified in the On- Ramp Solicitation as the basis for establishing the Case Equivalent ‘unit price.’” Id. ¶ 46.
AsMonterey explains, the 2019 claim alleged that the “under-delivery of Case Equivalent workload” resulted in “contract payments that were insufficient to cover to the costs Monterey had incurred [to date] in performing” under the contract.
According to Monterey, “[t]hat more recent information available to the VA at the time it issued the Solicitation confirmed that the contractors processing verification applications were not experiencing anywhere close to a 72% [650/900] Case Equivalent ratio.” ECF No. 11-1 at 290; see ECF No. 1¶ 97.
According to Monterey, “[t]he VA updated the Work Instructions six times after Monterey submitted its June 15, 2018 price proposal that established the Case Equivalent ceiling price in the Contract (which, in turn, limited the Case Equivalent price Monterey proposed for the Task Order).” ECF No 11-1 at 300; see ECF No. 1 ¶ 110.
Id. The 2020 claim, however, alleged that the VA’s inaccurately calculated CE ratio, a figure that Monterey was required to use in setting its price, led to an undervalued Case Equivalent unit price.
Monterey asserts that it “had no ability or option to use a different ratio or methodology to establish a Case Equivalent ‘unit price’ from the total level-of-effort price it had proposed to process 900 cases.” Id. As a result, Monterey’s unit price for a CE came out to $1,560.98.