Examples of Cash Inflows in a sentence
MODULELM: Liquidity Risk ManagementCHAPTERLM-11: Liquidity Coverage Ratio LM-11.4 Cash Inflows LM-11.4.1When considering its available cash inflows, the bank must only include contractual inflows from outstanding exposures that are fully performing and for which the bank has no reason to expect a default within the 30-day time horizon.
MODULELM: Liquidity Risk ManagementCHAPTERLM-11: Liquidity Coverage Ratio LM-11.4 Cash Inflows (continued) LM-11.4.16Other contractual cash inflows: Other contractual cash inflows must be captured here, with an explanation given as to what this bucket comprises of; they must receive a 100 percent inflow rate.
MODULELM: Liquidity Risk ManagementCHAPTERLM-11: Liquidity Coverage Ratio LM-11.4 Cash Inflows (continued) LM-11.4.7In the case of a bank’s short positions, if the short position is being covered by an unsecured security borrowing, the bank must assign a 100 percent outflow of either cash or HQLA to secure the borrowing, or cash to close out the short position by buying back the security.
Report the incoming portion of the transaction (the maturity) in the respective product line and maturity column.o Do not net balances. Example: If the firm makes a 5-year unsecured loan for settlement on T+3 report the maturity of the loan in Line6.20 (Loan Cash Inflows) in the >5Y maturity column and report the expected cash flow in this line in the Business Day 3 column.
For the avoidance of doubt, Cash Inflows and Cash Outflows deemed to occur on the same day shall be netted.