Causal relationship definition
Examples of Causal relationship in a sentence
Causal relationship between stressful life events and the onset of major depression.
Causal relationship is a medical question that generally requires rationalized medical opinion evidence to resolve the issue.
Causal relationship between hyperfibrinogenemia, thrombosis, and resistance to thrombolysis in mice.
Causal relationship is a medical question, which generally requires rationalized medical opinion evidence to resolve the issue.
Causal relationship between HRM policies and organizational performance: Evidence from the Greek manufacturing sector.
Causal relationship must be established by rationalized medical opinion evidence.
Causal relationship is a reasoned medical determination with legal implications that determines if the condition the injured worker (IW) is requesting is compatible with or could result from the mechanism or mode of injury, or could be the result (e.g., flow-through) of a previously allowed condition in the claim.
Part XXX: Causal relationship between chronic myelogenous leukemia and benzene-containing solvents.
Causal relationship between the loss of RUNX3 expression and gastric cancer.
Coding: All AEs reported in this study will be coded using MedDRA, current version20.0 or higher.Causal relationship: Causal relationship between the occurrence of an AE and the administration of the study drug is assessed by the investigator according to classification scheme 0=not related, 1=unlikely related, 2=possibly related and 3=probably related.