Examples of Critical circumstances in a sentence
Inthe case of a request in a petition for provisional relief with respect to a per- ishable agricultural product that has been the subject of monitoring by the Commission, the Commission will re- port its determination and any finding to the President not later than 21 days after the date on which the request for provisional relief is received.(c) Critical circumstances.
Critical circumstances procedures are intended to deter foreign producers or exporters from increasing exports after an investigation is initiated but before a DOC preliminary determination, at which time (if the determination is affirmative), liquidation would ordinarily be suspended.
Dr. Alan Ross, the president of the National Coalition for School Bus Safety, activates pathos in parents and others with his statement that ―without restraint, your child is a missile waiting to launch on a school bus—very unsafe‖ (8), and the Academy of Pediatrics and the American Medical Association have called for seatbelts on school buses.
Critical circumstances, where any delay in application for safeguard measures would cause damage which it would be difficult to repair, exist necessitating immediate application of provisional safeguard duty for a period of 200 days, pending a final determination of serious injury and threat of serious injury.
Comment 2: Critical Circumstances Petitioners’ Case Brief• Critical circumstances exist for at least some Chinese exporters of the subject merchandise.