CDM Benefits definition
Examples of CDM Benefits in a sentence
It may become difficult to ensure smooth functioning of systems without CDM Benefits.
Reactive energy charges as applicable would be paid by the developer to the Distribution Licensees in whose territorial area the Bagasse based Co-generation project is located.6.3Sharing of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Benefits: Regulations 18 of MPERC RE Tariff Regulations 2017 provides mechanism for sharing of CDM benefit by the generator with the power procurer.
The notification dated 19 May 2013 has fixed the RPO at 10% from FY 2012 to FY 2014.Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Benefits In India, a promoter of wind energy is entitled to secure the benefits of Clean Development Mechanism along with the respective distribution licensee.
Total quantity of 1326 Tons of CO2 emissions reduced. CDM Benefits.
It is in the Developer’s interest to obtain the CDM Benefits at the earliest, in order to retain the maximum share of the same.
The economy is populated with a continuum of people, each works for T years and is retired for R years.
CDM Benefits for 10 years The CDM benefit per unit (kWh) of power replaced is about Rs. 0.35.