Examples of Benefits in a sentence
Compliance Provisions further outlines Duplication of Benefits certifications which the SUBRECIPIENT must adhere to.
The employer will, on behalf of each employee, pay the amount described and listed in either Table 56A, Table 56B or Table 56C (to be collected by Incolink) for the various Member Benefits, Insurance Benefits and Redundancy for employees covered by the Agreement.
The COUNTY’S determination that an expenditure is eligible does not relieve the SUBRECIPIENT of its duty to repay the COUNTY in full for any expenditures that are later determined by the COUNTY or the Federal Government, in each of its sole discretion, to be an ineligible expenditure or a Duplication of Benefits.
The SUBRECIPIENT must comply with HUD's requirements for Duplication of Benefits (DOB), as described in the Federal Register Guidance (Section IV.A.1. – Grant Administration; Duplication of Benefits (DOB)) and HUD guidance (including HUD training materials), including specific Order of Assistance requirements as noted under SUBSECTION XIII.D.
If an employer fails to provide the insurance cover required in Clause 25, or obtains the insurance as required in Clause 25 but fails to maintain the minimum standards prescribed in Clause 25, the employer will be liable to pay the difference between the insurance cover provided (if at all) and the insurance cover provided in Appendix G – Insurance Cover Minimum Benefits.