CEMS definition
Examples of CEMS in a sentence
For affected sources subject to emission limitations expressed as control efficiency levels, the criterion for reviewing the permission is that the collection of CEMS data shows that exhaust emissions have exceeded 70 percent of the level needed to meet the control efficiency requirement for any averaging period, as specified in the relevant standard.
The Administrator's determination to approve an alternative will depend on the intended use of the CEMS data and may require specifications more stringent than in Performance Specification 2.
The alternative procedures do not apply if the CEMS is used continuously to determine compliance with the relevant standard.
The Administrator will review the permission to use an alternative to the CEMS relative accuracy test and may rescind such permission if the CEMS data from a successful completion of the alternative relative accuracy procedure indicate that the affected source's emissions are approaching the level of the relevant standard.
The criterion for reviewing the permission is that the collection of CEMS data shows that emissions have exceeded 70 percent of the relevant standard for any averaging period, as specified in the relevant standard.