Examples of Central bank digital currency in a sentence
Central bank digital currency and the future of monetary policy.Technical report, National Bureau of Economic Research.Brainard, L.
Central bank digital currency, loan supply, and bank failure risk: a microeconomic approach.
Central bank digital currency remuneration in a world with low or negative nominal interest rates.
Central bank digital currency (CBDC) is a proposal to make central bank deposit accounts available to everyone.
Central bank digital currency will be complementary to other payment methods; cf.
Central bank digital currency: Motivations and implications (No. 2017- 16).
Notices delivered by any other means shall be deemed given and received upon actual receipt of the above specified address of the addressee.
Central bank digital currency: Opportunities, challenges and design, 2020.
Central bank digital currency can be made available to the general public (‘general purpose’) or to narrowly defined user groups (‘wholesale settlements’).
Central bank digital currency: The future of payments for corporates, 2021.