Examples of Centre Line in a sentence
Aircraft Lead-In, Turning and Lead-Out Lines are a continuous line between a Taxiway Centre Line and an aircraft stand or parking position.
AR2, Centre Line Series 200 Lug Body, Anvil Series 8000 lug body or Nibco Fig.
Clerk of the Course: (name)- Secretary of the Event: (name)- Judge(s) of Fact for Crossing of Centre Line & False-Start: (names)- Chief Timekeeper & Judge of Fact: (names)- Safety Officer: (name)- Chief Medical Officer: (name)- Chief Starter: (name) Additionally, subject to FIA decision; - FIA Observer: (name)- FIA Assistant Technical Delegate: (name) 1.4. Official Noticeboard (Its location shall be stated in an information bulletin; if this is not possible, give this information in these regulations).
Placement and Design of Milled Rumble Strips on Centre Line and Shoulder: A Driving Simulator Study.
Frequency and Strouhal comparison Study case f [Hz]Re=1×106 uxAVG/U∞ (Ψ)The recirculation zone end point is identified as the first point where the outside fluid flows and crosses through the central axle i.e. the Wake Centre Line, as discussed in ref.