Examples of Certified Brownfield in a sentence
New York: Springer.Aier, S., Kurpjuweit, S., Schmitz, O., Schulz, J., Thomas, A., & Winter, R.
Brownfields Investigation” means an evaluation under the Brownfields Development Program which includes the assessment of an actual, threatened, or perceived release of a hazardous substance at a facility within the Certified Brownfield to determine the nature, extent, and impact of the actual, threatened, or perceived release, and the evaluation of the feasibility of the proposed development plan to serve as all or a portion of the remedial action.
This Agreement does not constitute any finding by DNREC relating to the risks to public health, welfare or the environment that may be posed by contamination at the Site, nor does it constitute any representation or affirmation by DNREC that the Certified Brownfield is fit for any particular purpose.
Prior to DNREC’s issuance of a Final Plan for the Certified Brownfield or an operable unit thereof, Development Activities are not permitted on the Real Property.
In addition, DNREC releases and covenants not to sue or take any other civil or administrative action against Brownfields Developer for injury to, destruction of, or loss of natural resources or services, or the restoration or replacement of such natural resources or services arising from or related to the Existing Environmental Condition at the Certified Brownfield.
For example, if the property is totally lost due to a subsequent accident it will have no contributory value and will not contribute to the general average.
By letter from ________________ ____, Planner, to ___________________ dated ____________, attached hereto as Exhibit 1, DNREC has determined that the Real Property qualifies as a Certified Brownfield as defined in 7 Del.
Brownfields Developer is interested in conducting investigations and/or development at the Certified Brownfield.
If it determines that Brownfields Developer has not performed or complied with any of the investigative or remedial action requirements at the Certified Brownfield, DNREC shall have the right to modify or suspend the Development Activities.
Unless an emergency or other extraordinary condition exists that poses an immediate risk to public health, welfare or the environment, DNREC agrees to provide reasonable notice to Brownfields Developer before accessing the Certified Brownfield.