Commencement of Operations means the beginning of active operations by a qualifying business of the principal function for which a qualifying project was constructed.
Areas of Operations means the locations where PURCHASER performs the operations described in the contract.
Plan of operation means the plan of operation of the program
AREA OF OPERATIONS means the Company's oilfield operations in the States of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh.
Area of operation means an area coextensive with the territorial boundaries of the land acquired or
Hours of Operation are the hours established by the Employer to provide adequate service to the public and to fulfil the functions of the work unit.
Certificate of operation means a document issued by the administrator or an approved local jurisdiction for a conveyance indicating that the conveyance has been inspected by the administrator, an approved local jurisdiction, or a licensed third-party conveyance inspector and approved under this article.
Operations means all the activities conducted by PURCHASER under this contract, including project work, logging, or post harvest activities; or the furnishing of all materials, equipment, labor, and incidentals necessary to successfully complete any individual item or the entire contract.
CT conditions of operation means all selectable parameters governing the operation of a CT X-ray system including, but not limited to, nominal tomographic section thickness, filtration, and the technique factors as defined in 41.1(2).
Business operations means engaging in commerce in any form, including by acquiring, developing, maintaining, owning, selling, possessing, leasing, or operating equipment, facilities, personnel, products, services, personal property, real property, or any other apparatus of business or commerce.
Discontinued Operations means operations that are accounted for as discontinued operations pursuant to Applicable GAAP of the Issuer for which the Disposal of such assets has not yet occurred.
Active business operations means all business operations that are not inactive business operations.
Inactive business operations means the mere continued holding or renewal of rights to property previously operated for the purpose of generating revenues but not presently deployed for such purpose.
Production Operations means all operations conducted for the purpose of producing Petroleum from the Development Area after the commencement of production from the Development Area including the operation and maintenance of all necessary facilities therefor.
In operation means engaged in activity related to the primary design function of the source.
Exploration Operations means any operations carried out for or in connection with the exploration for minerals, and includes -
Business of the Employer means the business conducted by the Employer, which is the business of commercial banking.
Health Care Operations shall have the meaning given to such term under the HIPAA 2 Privacy Rule in 45 CFR § 164.501.
Operational Date means the date on which a union school district
Restricted business operations means business operations in Sudan that include power production activities, mineral extraction activities, oil-related activities, or the production of military equipment, as those terms are defined in the Sudan Accountability and Divestment Act of 2007 (Pub. L. 110-174). Restricted business operations do not include business operations that the person (as that term is defined in Section 2 of the Sudan Accountability and Divestment Act of 2007) conducting the business can demonstrate—
Normal operation means all periods of operation except start-up and shutdown operations and maintenance of equipment;
Railway Group Standards means standards authorised pursuant to
Operations Plan means the document by which PURCHASER notifies STATE of the plans and schedule for completing the operations described in the contract. It also contains the names of the subcontractors, PURCHASER's Authorized Representatives, and STATE's Authorized Representatives. Permit means any permit required by a federal, state, or local government agency before operations under this contract may lawfully begin or continue. Permit includes an incidental take permit under the federal Endangered Species Act.
Dominant in its field of operation means having more than ten employees and annual gross revenues in the preceding twelve months which, if added to the annual amount of the contract awarded, exceed $500,000.
Railway Operation Date means the date of the first carriage of iron ore, freight goods or other products over the relevant Railway (other than for construction or commissioning purposes);
Operation Period means the period commencing from COD and ending on the Transfer Date;