Cessation of Sample Clauses

Cessation of. Services
Cessation of. 1. The loss by CONTRACTOR of legal capacity. following events: 11 INTERMEDIARY shall be adjusted to an amount consistent with the reduced term and/or the 12 terminated program 13 17 D. Neither party shall be liable nor deemed to be in default for any delay or failure in performance 18 under this Agreement or other interruption of service or employment deemed resulting, directly or 19 indirectly, from Acts of God, civil or military authority, acts of public enemy, war, accidents, fires, 20 explosions, earthquakes, floods, failure of transportation, machinery or suppliers, vandalism, strikes or 21 other work interruptions by a party’s officers, agents, employees, affiliates, or subcontractors, or any 22 similar cause beyond the reasonable control of any party to this Agreement. However, all parties shall 23 make good faith efforts to perform under this Agreement in the event of any such circumstance. 24 E. If a court of competent jurisdiction determines that Eligible Persons are fully covered by the 25 State Medi-Cal Program, or any other State program, all obligations and rights related to such persons 26 under this Agreement shall be suspended while such court order is effective, and COUNTY shall have 27 the right to terminate this Agreement, or the provisions relating to the MSI or EMSFMSN Program as 28 applicable, upon thirty (30) calendar days prior written notice and without any cure period. In the event 29 of any suspension or termination pursuant to this Agreement, deposits of Funding and reimbursement to 30 any party shall be adjusted to reflect the obligations and duties thereby reduced.
Cessation of. Participation in all other employee or officer compensation programs or benefit programs. Except as expressly set forth in this Agreement, following the Separation Date, Diepholz shall cease to be eligible to participate in any of the Company’s existing or future compensation or benefit plans for officers or employees including but not limited to: 1) employee salary; 2) the “Discretionary Bonus” plan; 3) the “Annual Bonus” plan; 4) any long term equity compensation; 5) any other long term compensation plan; 6) any and all of the Company’s welfare benefit plans such as any medical benefit plans, dental or vision benefit plans, vacation plans or other paid leave benefit plans; and 7) any and all of the Company’s retirement benefit plans and programs. As of the Separation Date Director shall be ineligible for reimbursement of expenses under any of the Company’s written policies relating to employee business-related expenses. PROVIDED HOWEVER, that the provisions of this Section shall not affect any vested rights under the aforementioned plans. PROVIDED FURTHER, that except for monetary compensation for Board service, which for Diepholz shall be limited to the Annual Compensation for Board Services described in Section 2.1 and 2.2 above, so long as Diepholz remains a member of the Board of Directors he shall otherwise be entitled to any other benefits or plans generally available to other Board members. A hypothetical example is provided for illustration purposes only to put the preceding sentence in context: If the Company adopted a plan or program for Board members allowing for Board members to travel at Company expense to the Company’s operations in Mexico, then so long as Diepholz remained a member of the Board of Directors, Diepholz would also be eligible to travel at Company expense to its Mexico operations (again, this is a hypothetical example for illustrative purposes only).
Cessation ofRights and Obligations
Cessation of. If MSGI shall cease to [***], this Agreement shall terminate upon thirty (30) days written notice by Mount Sinai.
Cessation of. Services Up on termination of this Contract p ursuant to Clauses GC 2.7 hereof, or up on exp iration of this Contract p ursuant to Clause GC 2.3 hereof, all rights and obligations of the Parties hereunder shall cease, excep t (i) such rights and obligations as may have accrued on the date of termination or exp iration, (ii) the obligation of confid entiality set forth in Clause GC 3.3 h ereof, ( iii) the Consultant’s obligation to p ermit insp ection, copy ing and auditin g of their accounts and records set forth in Clause GC 3.6 h ereof, and (iv) any right which a Party may have under the App licable Law. Up on termination of this Contract by notice of either Party to the other p ursuant to Clauses GC 2.7.1 or GC 2.7.2 hereof, the Consultant shall, immediately up on disp atch or receip t of such notice, take all n ecessary step s to bring the Services to a close in a p romp t and orderly manner and shall make every reasonable effort to keep exp enditures for this p urp ose to a minimum. With resp ect to documents p rep ared by the Consultant and equip ment and materials furnished by the Client, the Consultant shall p roceed as p rovided, resp ectively , by Clauses GC 3.7 hereof. GC- 10
Cessation of. WORK The owner-driver will notify the hirer in person, by radio or by telephone if the owner-driver intends to cease providing services on any day prior to any agreed or scheduled time. The owner-driver must not cease work earlier than the agreed time without reasonable excuse.
Cessation of. 1 1. The loss by CONTRACTOR of legal capacity.
Cessation of. It agreed that there shall be no strikes, walkouts, lockouts or general meetings during working hours of
Cessation of assured tenancy If the Tenancy ceases to be an assured tenancy (because for example, you stop living in your Home as your only or main Home) NCHA can end the Tenancy by serving 4 weeks’ notice in writing on you.