Channel migration zone (CMZ) means the area where the active channel of a stream is prone to move and this results in a potential near-term loss of riparian function and associated habitat adjacent to the stream, except as modified by a permanent levee or dike. For this purpose, near-term means the time scale required to grow a mature forest. (See board manual section 2 for descriptions and illustrations of CMZs and delineation guidelines.)
Channel migration zone (CMZ) means the area along a river within which the channel(s) can be reasonably predicted to migrate over time as a result of natural and normally occurring hydrological and related processes when considered with the characteristics of the river and its surroundings.
Channel migration zone (CMZ) means the area along a river within which
Examples of Channel migration zone (CMZ) in a sentence
Based on the SMP definition: Channel migration zone (CMZ)" means the area along a river within which the channel(s) can be reasonably predicted to migrate over time as a result of natural and normally occurring hydrological and related processes when considered with the characteristics of the river and its surroundings.
More Definitions of Channel migration zone (CMZ)
Channel migration zone (CMZ) means the lateral extent of likely movement along a stream or river during the next one hundred years as determined by evidence of active stream channel migration movement over the past one hundred years.
Channel migration zone (CMZ) means the lateral extent of likely movement along a stream or river during the next 100 years as determined by evidence of active stream channel migration movement over the past 100 years.
Channel migration zone (CMZ) means the lateral extent of likely movement along a stream or river during the next one hundred years as determined by evidence of active stream channel movement over the past one hundred years. Evidence of active movement over the one hundred year time frame can be inferred from aerial photos or from specific channel and valley bottom characteristics. The time span typically represents the time it takes to grow mature trees that can provide functional large woody debris to streams. A CMZ is not typically present if the valley width is less than two bankfull widths, is confined by terraces, no current or historical aerial photographic evidence exists of significant channel movement, and there is no field evidence of secondary channels with recent scour from stream flow or progressive bank erosion at meander bends. Areas separated from the active channel by legally existing artificial channel constraints that limit bank erosion and channel avulsion without hydraulic connections shall not be considered within the CMZ.
Channel migration zone (CMZ) means the area along a river within which the channel(s) can be reasonably predicted to migrate over time as a result of natural and normally occurring hydrological and related processes when considered with the characteristics of the river and its surroundings. (See SMP XXX for map of the channel migration zone regulated under this SMP.)
Channel migration zone (CMZ) means the area along a river within which the channel(s) can be reasonably predicted to migrate over time as a result of natural and normally occurring hydrological and related processes when considered with the characteristics of the river and its surroundings. The “channel migration zone” does not include areas that lie behind an arterial road, a public road serving as a sole access route, a state or federal highway or a railroad and may exclude areas that lie behind a lawfully established flood protection facility that is maintained by existing programs for public maintenance consistent with the designation and classification criteria specified by public rulethat are separated from the active channel by a legally existing artificial structure(s) that is likely to restrain channel migration, including transportation facilities such as state or federal highways or a railroad, built above or constructed to remain intact through the 100 year flood.
Channel migration zone (CMZ) means the area along a river within which the channel can be reasonably predicted to migrate over time as a result of natural or normally occurring processes when considered with the characteristics of the river.
Channel migration zone (CMZ) means the area along a river or stream within which the channel can reasonably be expected to migrate over time because of normally occurring processes. It encompasses that area of lateral stream channel movement that can be identified by credible scientific information that is subject to erosion, bank destabilization, rapid stream incision, and / or channel shifting, as well as adjacent areas that are susceptible to channel erosion. For the purpose of this SMP, linear facilities parallel to the direction of flow and permanently maintained by a public agency, including roads, railroads and flood control levees may be considered to form the boundary of a CMZ. The area within a river channel that is likely to move over an interval of time is referred to as the CMZ or the meander belt.