Examples of Charter Flights in a sentence
For all domestic Charter Flights, the air carrier’s liability is limited to $3,400.00 per passenger total, for checked and unchecked baggage.
For all international Charter Flights, the air carrier’s liability is limited to 1131 Special Drawing Rights per passenger total, for checked and unchecked baggage.
Delta shall be the sole authority for filing tariffs for Scheduled Flights operated pursuant to this Agreement, and Delta shall establish all passenger fares for Scheduled Flights and Charter Flights operated pursuant to this Agreement.
Pinnacle shall be responsible for providing all crews (flight and cabin) to operate the Scheduled Flights and any Charter Flights and for all aspects (personnel and other) of dispatch control, including but not limited to load control.
Tourists may arrive through Charter Flights, Scheduled Flights or Private Jets, at both Katunayake and Mattala Airports.